How to Lower High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Naturally

How to Lower High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Naturally

How to Lower High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Naturally

In this video, Dr. Barker shares how you can lower high blood pressure (Hypertension), naturally. Elevated blood pressure isn’t due to a drug deficiency!

And for athletes, if you’re taking beta blockers or diuretics, these meds can limit your performance. Watch the video to learn how natural medicines like magnesium, coleus forskholi, hawthorne, vitamin C, potassium, garlic and others can help lower and control high blood pressure.


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Products featured in this video:
* Heart Tension formula:

* Nitric Oxide support:

* Vitamin C:

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Dr. Jason Barker received his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2001. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. He is registered in Colorado where he maintains an active clinical practice.
This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Jason Barker and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from your personal physician. This video does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Barker and you. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Barker nor The Natural Athlete’s Clinic takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading, viewing or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians and obtain a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
Thank you for watching!


2.81 -> Hey you guys in Dr. Jason Barker with the Natural Athlete's Clinic and I wanted to
6.96 -> make video today about high blood pressure or hypertension. So you've
10.92 -> probably heard of the reading of 120 over 80 as a normal blood
14.91 -> pressure reading however a lot of sources these days are saying that if
18.18 -> you're at 120 over 80 you are already on your way to hypertension and you have pre
23.01 -> hypertension. So those of you watching this video probably know that things
27.42 -> like being sedentary, having excess weight, too much salt, too much alcohol
32.07 -> too much caffeine, too much stress, things like that will raise your blood pressure.
35.7 -> So what do you do if you are already avoiding those things and living a
40.379 -> relatively healthy and active lifestyle? Well before we get into natural ways
44.969 -> that you can lower your blood pressure, there's two compounds of medications
49.02 -> that I don't necessarily like to see athletes on for a couple of reasons. The
53.789 -> first group of medications that I'm not too happy about are diuretics. Diuretics
58.739 -> help you get rid of fluid out of your body and they do this by affecting your
62.25 -> electrolytes. So if you are an athlete and you're out on a course running or
67.32 -> riding your bike or anything like that, you're in a little bit greater risk of
71.25 -> having an electrolyte imbalance because those medications alter how your body
75.06 -> processes sodium and potassium which are your two main fluid balance electrolytes.
79.77 -> Now the second group of medications that I'm not too psyched up about our beta
84.659 -> blockers. So what beta blockers do essentially is
87.59 -> they will inhibit that fight-or-flight response on your heart muscle. So they
92.7 -> decrease the force and the rate at which your heart contracts. So you can imagine
97.17 -> that if you're out there trying to run, ride, swim, what-have-you and you're
101.28 -> trying to get that heart rate up and moving, you can't do it if you're on a
104.34 -> beta blocker. So it's a lot like driving your car around - one foot on the gas and
108.78 -> one foot on the brake pedal. So what we're going to do is I'm going to give
112.17 -> you some examples of some natural medicines that you can use. And then if
115.53 -> you work with your healthcare practitioner, maybe you can reduce
117.899 -> your doses or maybe even altogether get rid of those high blood pressure
121.92 -> medications. So there are many many natural medicines that will help lower
127.5 -> your blood pressure and I can't go into all of them in this video but I'm going
130.86 -> to tell you about my favorites that I like to use in the clinic.
133.18 -> First one is a mineral and that's magnesium. You hear me talking about
137.709 -> magnesium a lot because it has so many good effects throughout the body but
140.17 -> what it does specifically for your blood pressure is that it will relax those
144.129 -> small little muscles that surround your vasculature. So it acts like a very
148.859 -> gentle muscle relaxer and lets those blood vessels expand a little bit thereby
153.459 -> decreasing that pressure. Second compound I really like is something called
157.48 -> Arginine. Arginine is an amino acid. You can find it in things like beef and
161.5 -> dairy and whole grains and beans and what arginine does, is it's a precursor
166.54 -> to another chemical called nitric oxide. So nitric oxide dilates those blood
171.819 -> vessels and we really depend on that to expand and contract those blood vessels
175.84 -> in your body. We like to use something called nitric oxide support. It has a ton
180.67 -> of Arginine in it and that's what we'll use to replace that. Next mineral I
185.889 -> really like to use is potassium. Of course you've heard of this, you know how
189 -> bananas are famous for all the potassium. You can also get a lot of potassium out
192.849 -> of other fruits and veggies but potassium works for lowering blood
196.81 -> pressure by blocking the effects of sodium. Sodium helps you hold on to water,
201.699 -> helps keep that fluid on board that raises your blood pressure.
206.44 -> Potassium will block the effects of sodium. So you can supplement with
210.909 -> potassium. You of course need to get a lot of potassium out of fresh foods,
215.59 -> beans, veggies, fruits anything like that is going to have a lot of those minerals
221.29 -> in there. The next vitamin that I really like is vitamin C. So vitamin C does a
227.379 -> couple of things - it helps preserve or prolong the lifespan of that nitric
232.569 -> oxide so it keeps it in your body a little bit longer. And then vitamin C
236.29 -> also helps you produce collagen. Now you use collagen which is a protein and that
242.769 -> help that's what you build your blood vessels out of. So as we age, we don't
247.03 -> make collagen as well, the blood vessels get stiffer, they can't expand and
251.65 -> contract as readily. So if you've got a lot of vitamin C in your body, you've got
255.94 -> that raw material there for you to make more collagen. Okay so some herbal
260.47 -> medicines that you can use for your blood pressure, there's a lot of them and
263.11 -> again these are just my top ones that I use. The first one is garlic.
267.639 -> Garlic also stimulates the release of nitric oxide. You can see a pattern here
271.749 -> right?.. and then garlic also relaxes the little muscles around those blood
276.039 -> vessels. Another herb is Hawthorne. Hawthorne has been used literally for
280.629 -> thousands of years for all kinds of different heart conditions and modern
284.469 -> studies have shown that it actually helps increase the profusion or the
288.909 -> blood flow into the heart muscle itself. It has anti rhythmic properties to it
294.34 -> and of course winds up lowering that blood pressure as well.
298.65 -> Another herb that I like is something called Coleus Forskohlii. This is an
302.469 -> indian herb and what Coleus does, is it stimulates the release of something
306.819 -> called cyclic AMP. And cyclic AMP in turn is another way that we can relax
312.699 -> those vessels and relax the muscles around those blood vessels throughout the
316.779 -> vasculature. And by the way, cyclic AMP is really good for asthma too. Same
323.349 -> effect- relaxes the little muscles in the lungs so you can get a better breath of
327.729 -> air in there. So I'm gonna keep it of that for today's video. See if you can
331.99 -> use some of these natural medicines. We of course like to use Mountain Peaks
337 -> Heart Tension Formula because it has all those things I just talked about with a
340.689 -> couple of other herbs in there too. We use that in the clinic. We use the Nitric
345.61 -> Oxide support and of course we work on the diet and lifestyle and things like
349.689 -> that. We've been pretty successful in getting people's blood pressures down
352.899 -> that was out of control before. So of course if you're going to do this, check
356.5 -> with your Doctor. You definitely don't want to monkey around with having high
359.949 -> blood pressure that's not under control. Okay guys thanks for watching and if you
365.439 -> found this video helpful, please give us a like. If you know somebody who's got
369.699 -> high blood pressure, please share the video. And of course please subscribe to
373.509 -> our Channel. We've always got lots of videos coming at you with lots of
377.5 -> healthy tips.
