Stroke: It Happens in an Instant

Stroke: It Happens in an Instant

Stroke: It Happens in an Instant

A stroke is an emergency – it can happen to anyone, at any time, and at any age. What happens when someone experiences a stroke and what occurs on the way to and at the hospital, is the focus of the 2018 National Stroke Awareness Month video. Save a life by having a better understanding of stroke and by knowing what signs and symptoms to look for.
Join the movement this May for #StrokeMonth:


8.48 -> Mom what's wrong? My arm... I'm gonna call 9-1-1. My mom, yes, she's having a hard
16.26 -> time moving her right arm we think she's having a stroke
20.119 -> thanks to a class rosie had taken she knew that sudden weakness and
24.81 -> numbness in her arm are signs of a stroke during evaluation paramedics may
30 -> ask if you are experiencing any other common stroke symptoms because Rosie is
35.52 -> a female and over 55 years old she is at a higher risk for stroke in general and
40.86 -> as a result has taken steps to manage her modifiable risk factors which are
45.69 -> diabetes and high blood pressure
50.829 -> now that Rosie is in the emergency room the stroke care team will go over her
55.54 -> medications and medical history identify the last time she was completely normal
60.79 -> review the assessment by EMS and perform a head-to-toe assessment including a
66.79 -> focused neurologic exam additional tests will be ordered to confirm how best to
72.19 -> proceed common tests include blood work and a CT scan which is what Rosie's
77.229 -> doctor has ordered the two main types of stroke are ischemic and hemorrhagic
82.53 -> ischemic strokes are the most common and are the result of a blood clot or plaque
87.55 -> blocking blood flow to an area of the brain hemorrhagic strokes occur when
92.05 -> blood leaks into the brain tissue or around the brain Rosie it looks like
98.11 -> you're having an ischemic stroke but because you recognize the symptoms
102.009 -> called 911 got here so quickly we're able to use a clot-busting medicine
107.83 -> called TPA to try to break that blood clot up and restore blood flow to your
112.42 -> brain like any medicine we use there are risks and the biggest risk is bleeding
118.119 -> but given your history the kind of stroke you're having and how quickly you
122.979 -> got here I think you're a very good candidate for the medication are you
126.58 -> okay with us going ahead and giving you that medicine to try to stop this stroke
130.95 -> yes there are also other methods available for the treatment of ischemic
136.33 -> strokes such as mechanical thrombectomy which can be used to remove the clot if
141.459 -> Rosie had a hemorrhagic stroke medication to lower her blood pressure
145.629 -> or surgery maybe treatment options following her initial treatment Rosie
150.22 -> will be closely monitored for at least the next 24 hours in the hospital her
154.42 -> medical team will begin to evaluate the reasons why she had a stroke and make
158.47 -> recommendations for needed follow-up care most stroke survivors will followup
162.61 -> with their primary care provider and a neurologist after a stroke many will
167.47 -> need some therapy to aid in the recovery process with help of common therapies
171.519 -> including physical therapy occupational therapy and speech-language therapy
175.92 -> improvements can still happen even two years after a stroke it is important to
180.46 -> keep in mind that even quick action and excellent medical care
183.45 -> stroke can be a life-threatening medical event knowing the signs and symptoms of
187.86 -> stroke calling 9-1-1 and telling the operator that you suspect a stroke can
192.269 -> all make a considerable impact on your outcome because when it comes to stroke
195.75 -> every second counts too easily remember how to spot a stroke
199.65 -> remember fast f is for face does one side of the face droop a is for arms
205.29 -> does one arm drift downward S is for speech is their speech slurred or
210.15 -> strange and t is for time if you observe any of these signs it is time to call
214.98 -> 9-1-1 immediately remember stroke is an emergency be sure to educate yourself
219.81 -> about stroke now and know that you can take steps to manage your stroke risk
224.75 -> making lifestyle changes such as healthier eating habits increasing your
229.68 -> physical activity and quitting use of tobacco can all make a big difference if
234.239 -> you have medical risk factors taking all your medications as prescribed by your
239.43 -> provider and going for regular check-ups are key to reducing your risk for a
244.049 -> stroke be sure to take steps to reduce your risk for stroke today
