Doctor Reveals: How I eat healthy while traveling

Doctor Reveals: How I eat healthy while traveling

Doctor Reveals: How I eat healthy while traveling

Airport food is notoriously unhealthy. It’s surprisingly simple to have delicious healthy meals even on a long flight

Airports: always hard to find healthy food. But it’s real simple to eat great healthy food even flying half way around the world

I make sure I eat well BEFORE I leave. A big bowl of oatmeal in the morning fills me up for hours so that’s what I’m doing. fruit and nuts are great snacks and for a short flight they might cover it

I lean on legumes and whole grains: filling but compact. Salads take up too much space, Soup is too messy. Sandwiches are ok but get old

eating airport food once in a while is not a big deal, but it’s good to have options

Maybe you like to eat fresh healthy food while you’re traveling, or maybe you have restrictions.

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Animations: Even Topland @toplandmedia

Dahl recipe:

Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author’s knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho


0.08 -> i don't know what it is with airports that it's so hard to find healthy food
3.52 -> but it's actually real simple to eat great healthy food
6.799 -> even flying halfway around the world. first important thing, i make sure i eat
11.04 -> well before i leave. a big bowl of oatmeal in the morning
14.16 -> fills me up for hours so that's what i'm doing
16.48 -> nuts and fruit are great snacks and for a short flight they might cover it but
20.32 -> today i'm flying 16 hours and three legs so i'll need a
23.519 -> lot more than that
29.359 -> we're airborne, look at that beautiful sky
32.559 -> time to dig in. this is a lentil dahl we made last night
36.48 -> we made a large batch and i just threw some in a tupperware
39.92 -> done. that was absolutely delicious and all they were handing out on the plane
43.92 -> were those airline pretzels. really happy i came prepared. okay i'm in
47.68 -> miami. two flights down, one big one to go. i lean on legumes and
51.68 -> whole grains because they're very filling
53.36 -> but they're compact. salads take up too much space, soup's too messy, sandwiches
58.32 -> are okay but if i eat sandwiches all day long
60.399 -> i feel really tired. refillable bottle, crucial. airport water is what, 100 bucks?
65.36 -> no thanks. eating airport food once in a while is not a big deal,
69.6 -> the point here is not to put pressure on ourselves, it's to provide options
73.439 -> maybe you like to eat fresh healthy food while you're traveling
76.88 -> or maybe you have restrictions like high blood pressure or gluten intolerance
80.72 -> whatever the reason it's real simple to be in complete
83.2 -> control of what goes into your body. we're flying over the atlantic now,
86.88 -> time for another meal. we had some sauteed greens and
90.799 -> chickpeas and barley in the fridge. again, just batch cooked,
94 -> nothing made on purpose for the trip
99.04 -> all right, i made it. obviously this is all super simple stuff
103.2 -> and that's the point. anybody can do it. i just bring what i was going to eat at
106.799 -> home anyway. i'm super jet-lagged i'm going to crash
110 -> check out this video of me figuring out food
112 -> on the road in japan, and this one with strategies for healthy grocery shopping
116.399 -> see you next time
