Ashley Lobocki - Pregnant and Experiencing Heart Failure
Ashley Lobocki - Pregnant and Experiencing Heart Failure
At 24, Ashley, a cardiac-trained Henry Ford Health nurse, experienced heart failure during pregnancy. She turned to her colleagues to save her life—and the life of her son, Brady. To learn more about Ashley’s story, visit:… ______________________________________________________ Want to hear more from Henry Ford Health?
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0.96 -> - I was 23 when I got pregnant.
3.3 -> Very early on,
4.35 -> I was actually starting to
get really short of breath.
6.66 -> Once it really started progressing
8.31 -> and I started getting more concerned,
10.44 -> I started pushing for more testing.
12.48 -> And so my doctor, you know,
14.13 -> ended up referring me over to cardiology,
16.71 -> and we ended up doing an
EKG and doing an echo.
20.1 -> Within the month, I was
getting really, really bad.
23.64 -> I couldn't walk from here to the couch
26.34 -> without just feeling exhausted and dizzy
30.24 -> and feeling like I would pass out.
32.37 -> I definitely was like,
33.446 -> "Okay, this is not normal pregnancy stuff.