Ashley Lobocki - Pregnant and Experiencing Heart Failure

Ashley Lobocki - Pregnant and Experiencing Heart Failure

Ashley Lobocki - Pregnant and Experiencing Heart Failure

At 24, Ashley, a cardiac-trained Henry Ford Health nurse, experienced heart failure during pregnancy. She turned to her colleagues to save her life—and the life of her son, Brady. To learn more about Ashley’s story, visit:
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0.96 -> - I was 23 when I got pregnant.
3.3 -> Very early on,
4.35 -> I was actually starting to get really short of breath.
6.66 -> Once it really started progressing
8.31 -> and I started getting more concerned,
10.44 -> I started pushing for more testing.
12.48 -> And so my doctor, you know,
14.13 -> ended up referring me over to cardiology,
16.71 -> and we ended up doing an EKG and doing an echo.
20.1 -> Within the month, I was getting really, really bad.
23.64 -> I couldn't walk from here to the couch
26.34 -> without just feeling exhausted and dizzy
30.24 -> and feeling like I would pass out.
32.37 -> I definitely was like,
33.446 -> "Okay, this is not normal pregnancy stuff.
36.66 -> I'm not okay."
38.34 -> Got the call from the cardiologist
39.9 -> who I had been referred to,
41.28 -> and he basically said,
42.607 -> "Hey, you are really, really sick.
44.82 -> You've got heart failure, you've got advanced heart failure.
47.76 -> I'm referring you to the transplant team
49.68 -> and you're gonna see them."
50.7 -> And within about 30 minutes from talking with him,
54.84 -> the director at the time ended up calling me.
57.967 -> "I'm worried about how bad your results are.
60.66 -> You're very, very sick.
62.19 -> I don't know if you're gonna live.
63.6 -> More than likely you are gonna need a transplant
65.94 -> if you are able to make it through this.
68.16 -> But there are some very specific things that we have to do
71.55 -> and you have to listen to me if you want to survive."
74.64 -> So, I mean, I was very clear very quickly how bad it was.
77.924 -> (soft introspective music)
91.387 -> "The focus right now is doing what we can to stabilize you
95.01 -> before we deliver your son
97.08 -> and ensure a safe delivery for both of us.
99.57 -> Make sure Brady's okay," you know?
101.58 -> It was making sure he was all right,
103.08 -> making sure that we made it through it.
105.75 -> And that was all I was thinking about.
111.683 -> (soft introspective music swells)
117.84 -> It's really intimidating as a patient
120.42 -> to see so many different physicians
123.36 -> from different specialties come in to take care of you.
127.11 -> So for me it was anesthesiology, and cardiology,
131.91 -> and heart transplant, and cardiac intensive care,
135.63 -> and OBGYN, and maternal-fetal medicine specialists,
140.64 -> I mean, and neonatology, right, for my son.
144.3 -> While it's a lot,
145.92 -> it's excellent because they all have a different perspective
151.32 -> and each sees something that the other one does not,
153.9 -> and they can come up with the best plan for you.
156.66 -> And I mean, that's why I'm here.
158.73 -> That's why a lot of people are here
160.35 -> is because of that effort.
162.261 -> (soft introspective music continues)
171.182 -> So the kids laugh at me a lot.
172.62 -> My husband laughs at me a lot too
174.12 -> because I get very emotional
176.07 -> at maybe what's seemingly not big moments,
179.76 -> but to me they're big moments.
181.95 -> I didn't think I was gonna watch him go into middle school,
184.38 -> and then I didn't think
185.22 -> I was gonna watch him go into high school,
187.41 -> and I didn't think I'd see him
188.37 -> have his first girlfriend or drive a car.
190.5 -> And all those things have been happening.
192.72 -> And he's a great young man.
196.23 -> I've been with the heart failure and transplant team
198.69 -> for, you know, it's going on 15 years.
201.33 -> I would absolutely never go anywhere else, and I don't.
205.59 -> It's because they are the best at what they do.
207.75 -> It's because they really care about what they do too.
210.99 -> There are a lot of physicians that care,
212.73 -> but this is my team.
