Know Everything About Heart Problems | Preventions & Remedies | Coronary Heart Disease | Cardiac
Aug 18, 2023
Know Everything About Heart Problems | Preventions & Remedies | Coronary Heart Disease | Cardiac
An in-depth video on Coronary Heart Disease or coronary artery disease to help you get a complete understanding about heart diseases and disorders, heart disease prevention and diet, causes, treatment to yogic management heart care tips. Help us reach out to many people to help them better manage their heart condition through yoga. We aim to promote well-being and make this world a better place to live in. Thank you! For more insights on Heart Health visit these link: • Simple Ways to Get Rid of Cholesterol… • Detox your Arteries with this Drink |… • Most Effective Pranayama for Better H… Visit our website at: Download our New Meditation App - Nispand: Play Store: … App Store: … Sign up for our 200 Hours 3 Month Weekend Teacher Training Course: … Register for our 500 Hours Online Yoga TTC Intermediate Level: … Watch our video on “Get your Heart Healthy by following this | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra” by clicking the link below: • Get your Heart Healthy by following t… Subscribe to our channels to stay updated: / theyogainstitutehindi … … … … #DrHansaji #TheYogaInstitute #TheYogaInstitute_HeartOrthopedic
0.96 -> namaskar
2.96 -> heart problems are on rise tremendously
6.48 -> according to world health organization
9.8 -> cardiovascular diseases cause
12.92 -> 17.9 million deaths in 2019 accounting
18.32 -> for 32 percent death all over worldwide
22.24 -> therefore it is critical to recognize
25.24 -> cardiovascular problems as soon as
28.4 -> possible so that the treatment begins
31.519 -> early
32.64 -> and the treatment could be in terms of
35.04 -> counseling and medications hence today's
39.12 -> talk would be on coronary heart diseases
42.399 -> we will discuss in brief what this
44.48 -> condition is what causes it and so on we
48.079 -> have to understand where we are going
50.239 -> wrong
51.12 -> and prevent it occurrence and also learn
54.16 -> ways to better manage it most
56.879 -> importantly i'll share some very
59.039 -> effective yogic management techniques
61.76 -> that can help you to manage your
63.52 -> condition effectively
65.68 -> let's understand what coronary heart
68.159 -> disease is
69.92 -> coronary heart disease is a condition
72.56 -> that develops when the major blood
75.439 -> vessel that supplies to the heart gets
78.479 -> damaged cholesterol deposit or plaque
82.159 -> in the coronary arteries and the
84.56 -> inflammation are some of the causes for
87.6 -> coronary heart disease also known as
89.92 -> coronary artery disease
92 -> the coronary artery supplies blood
95.119 -> nutrition and oxygen to earth a buildup
99.28 -> of plaque can narrow these arteries
102.159 -> decreasing blood flow to the heart
105.2 -> eventually the reduced blood flow may
108.479 -> cause
109.439 -> chest pain or angina shortness of breath
113.119 -> or other coronary artery disease signs
116.479 -> and symptoms a complete blockage can
119.36 -> cause a heart attack coronary artery
122.32 -> disease often develops over decades
125.6 -> hence one might not notice a problem
129.039 -> until
129.92 -> one has a significant blockage or heart
132.72 -> attack but understand you don't have to
135.28 -> wait for the worst to happen take charge
138 -> of your health now
140.16 -> starting today take steps to prevent and
144.239 -> treat the coronary artery disease
146.879 -> a healthy way of living can have
149.599 -> significant impact
151.76 -> now that you know what coronary heart
154 -> disease is let's now understand what are
156.72 -> the symptoms of this
158.959 -> if the coronary artery is narrow they
161.76 -> can't supply enough oxygen rich blood to
164.8 -> the heart
165.92 -> especially when it's beating heart such
169.12 -> as during exercise
171.519 -> at first the decreased blood flow may
174.56 -> not cause any symptom but as plaque
177.68 -> continues to build up in the coronary
180 -> arteries one may develop certain signs
182.959 -> and symptoms such as
184.959 -> first one chest pain
187.519 -> angina
188.959 -> one may feel pressure or tightness
191.92 -> around the chest as if someone is
194.239 -> standing on your chest the pain caused
197.36 -> angina develops at the middle or the
200.64 -> left side of the chest
202.72 -> angina is generally triggered by
205.12 -> physical or emotional stress
208.239 -> the pain usually goes away within a
210.48 -> minute after stopping the stressful
213.28 -> activities
214.56 -> in some people especially in women the
217.519 -> pain may be brief
219.28 -> and sharp
220.64 -> and felt in the neck arm or back
224.879 -> second shortness of breath
227.599 -> if the heart can't pump enough blood to
230.879 -> reach the body's need
233.04 -> a person may develop shortness of breath
235.84 -> or extreme fatigue in the activities
239.76 -> third heart attack
242.08 -> a completely blocked coronary artery
245.2 -> will cause heart attack
247.519 -> classic sign and symptoms of heart
250.319 -> attack includes crushing pain or
253.12 -> pressure in chest
255.12 -> and pain in the shoulder or arm
258.4 -> sometimes shortness of breath
260.959 -> and also sweating
264.08 -> women are less likely to have
267.6 -> neck pain and jaw pain
269.84 -> compared to men
271.36 -> they may have other symptoms such as
273.28 -> shortness of breath fatigue and nausea
276.72 -> and sometimes
278.16 -> heart attack can occur without any sign
281.759 -> or symptom
283.68 -> now
285.12 -> understand how this coronary heart
287.759 -> disease cause
289.44 -> coronary artery disease is thought to
292.08 -> begin with damage or injury to the inner
296 -> layer of a coronary artery sometimes as
299.919 -> early as childhood the damage can be
303.44 -> caused by various factors that include
306.56 -> if you are smoking a lot or if you have
308.88 -> a high blood pressure issue or even high
311.84 -> cholesterol problem diabetes or insulin
315.44 -> resistant also contribute to coronary
318.56 -> problem and one major factor in today's
321.84 -> time is sedentary lifestyle
324.8 -> when the inner wall of an artery gets
327.199 -> damaged fatty deposit a plaque made of
330.72 -> cholesterol
332.08 -> and other cellular waste products tend
334.8 -> to collect where the injury has occurred
338.479 -> this process is called as
340.6 -> atherosclerosis if the plaque surface
343.6 -> breaks or ruptures the blood cells and
346.4 -> platelets come together in order to
348.639 -> repair the arteries now when so many
351.039 -> blood cells collect in one side they can
353.68 -> block the artery leading to heart attack
356.8 -> now let's discuss risk factors
359.6 -> some of the risk factor of coronary
361.919 -> artery diseases would be
364.84 -> age gender
367.199 -> men are generally at the risk of
369.12 -> coronary artery disease however the risk
371.84 -> of women increases after menopause
375.199 -> family history
376.72 -> smoking high blood pressure high blood
379.44 -> cholesterol level
381.039 -> diabetes is associated with the
384.24 -> increased risk of coronary artery
386.4 -> diseases type 2 diabetes and coronary
389.68 -> artery diseases has similar risk factors
392.88 -> such as obesity
394.56 -> and high blood pressure overweight and
397.36 -> obesity
398.639 -> are the
399.759 -> main causes too excess weight can also
403.199 -> worsen all the other risk factors
405.919 -> physical inactivity among risk factor
409.199 -> one very
411.039 -> subtle risk factor is when a person
414 -> catches cold and cough very often when
416.8 -> respiratory system is poor oxygenation
419.759 -> is poor and so coronary heart diseases
423.759 -> high stress
425.12 -> unrevealed stress in life will damage
428.96 -> arteries as well as worsen other risk
432 -> factors which may cause coronary artery
434.84 -> diseases unhealthy diet
437.52 -> eating too much food which has high
439.919 -> amount of saturated fat trans fat too
443.52 -> much salt too much sugar can increase
446.639 -> the risk of coronary artery diseases
449.599 -> sleep
450.4 -> apnea
452 -> this disorder
453.84 -> can cause one to repeatedly stop and
456.72 -> start breathing while sleeping
459.12 -> sudden drop in oxygen level that occurs
462 -> during sleep apnea increases blood
465.199 -> pressure and strain to the
466.919 -> cardiovascular system possibly leading
470.16 -> to coronary artery diseases high
473.319 -> triglyceride
474.879 -> this is a type of fat in your blood high
477.96 -> triglyceride level may raise the risk of
481.199 -> coronary artery disease especially in
483.84 -> women
484.919 -> pre-eclampsia this condition is
487.68 -> developed during pregnancy in some woman
490.56 -> this condition causes high blood
492.56 -> pressure and high amount of protein in
495.599 -> urine
496.56 -> it can lead to higher risk of heart
498.879 -> disease later in life
500.96 -> alcohol use heavy alcohol can lead to
504.56 -> heart muscle damage it can also worsen
507.759 -> the other risk of coronary artery
510 -> disease
511.039 -> auto immune disease
513.36 -> people who have conditions such as
516 -> rheumatoid arthritis lupus and other
519.68 -> inflammatory conditions have an
521.839 -> increased risk of atherosclerosis so now
525.839 -> let's talk about the complications of
528.16 -> coronary heart diseases coronary artery
531.279 -> disease can lead to chest pain or angina
534.959 -> heart attack heart failure if some areas
538.64 -> of heart are chronically deprived of
541.44 -> oxygen and nutrients because of reduced
544.48 -> blood flow or if the heart has been
547.279 -> damaged by the heart attack the heart
550 -> may become too weak to pump enough blood
553.76 -> to meet body's needs
556.08 -> this condition is known as heart failure
559.44 -> abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia
562.72 -> inadequate blood supply to the heart or
565.92 -> damage to the heart tissue can interfere
569.12 -> with the heart's electrical impulses
572.32 -> causing abnormal heart rhythm
575.519 -> coronary heart disease has to be managed
578.08 -> lifelong if one follows a healthy
580.8 -> lifestyle one can be comfortable
584.16 -> to live a healthy and active life
586.8 -> understand what is yogic management
589.36 -> yoga emphasizes regulating four
592.64 -> important pillars of life
594.959 -> they help to overcome the root cause of
597.6 -> any disease
598.88 -> these pillars are our
601.44 -> food
602.56 -> we are rest recreations activities and
606.64 -> sleep hr
608.64 -> healthy routines
610.56 -> and which are
612.079 -> right way of thinking
614.16 -> yoga understands that generally when
616.8 -> people suffer from cardiac disorders
619.44 -> they fall under the categories of type a
622.56 -> personality
623.92 -> these individuals tend to be very
627.04 -> competitive but aggressive
629.76 -> self-critical overreacting
632.56 -> impatient striving towards goal without
636.399 -> feeling a sense of joy in their efforts
639.6 -> for accomplishment have a high work
642.64 -> involvement have a constant sense of
645.519 -> emergency
646.399 -> hurry worry
647.92 -> struggling against themselves and the
650.24 -> environment
651.44 -> trying to do more than one thing at a
653.92 -> time easily getting aroused to anger or
656.959 -> hostility or have
659.68 -> personality the yogic management aims at
663.68 -> developing a balanced and healthy
665.92 -> lifestyle this would help the arteries
668.72 -> to remain clear
670.56 -> and free from plaque
672.72 -> so understand food aha
675.279 -> food we eat plays a major role in
678.959 -> healing or harming your body so let's
682.16 -> understand what is the right food
684.32 -> eat a healthy food easily digestible
686.959 -> food fibrous food and i often suggest
690.24 -> that drink definitely a glass of
692.959 -> warm water at least a half a glass of
695.44 -> warm water before sleeping and this
698.56 -> would help to prevent heart attack high
700.959 -> fiber saturated diet rich in fruits
704.16 -> vegetables and whole grain
706.48 -> low salt diet ideally we need half
710.079 -> teaspoon of salt in a day except in
713.2 -> summer season when we sweat out too much
716.24 -> have mineral salt red salt or black salt
720.48 -> complex carbohydrate seasonal fruits and
723.68 -> vegetables healthy fat
726.079 -> diluted dairy products after 30 years of
729.6 -> age
730.48 -> one should drink milk but diluted fifty
733.36 -> percent
734.32 -> nuts four to five almonds at least two
737.519 -> walnuts and about five pistachios in a
741.36 -> day
742.24 -> definitely soaked nuts overnight and
744.8 -> include them in your morning breakfast
747.6 -> you can eat them later on also
750.32 -> seeds
751.36 -> flax seeds are especially beneficial as
754.88 -> it increases good cholesterol have an
757.839 -> early dinner at least three to four
759.92 -> hours before sleeping eat potassium and
762.88 -> vitamin d3 rich diets along with knowing
766.56 -> what food you should have you should
768.56 -> also be aware of what food you should
771.36 -> avoid
772.399 -> domestic food that is stale food
775.279 -> highly refined products highly deep
778.24 -> frozen products should be avoided high
781.12 -> salty foods like peppers and pickles
783.839 -> snacks like chips salted nuts processed
787.279 -> and packaged foods they are high in
789.6 -> sodium that's why they want extra water
792.639 -> in body and body stores extra water and
795.44 -> naturally this will increase blood
797.04 -> pressure high fat food
799.68 -> saturated and hydrogenated food like
802.72 -> butter
803.68 -> vanaspati cheese and trans fat
807.279 -> look out for partially hydrogenated or
810.24 -> fractionated in the ingredient section
813.04 -> heavy protein especially at night
815.839 -> like meat kidney beans chickpeas and
819.12 -> soya
820.079 -> gassy and acidic food like potatoes
824 -> cabbage and polish rice etc smoking and
828.079 -> drinking
829.279 -> next is we have
831.279 -> or rest recreation sleep etc which is an
835.92 -> another important factor to achieve good
839.04 -> health as these patients are workaholics
842.24 -> it is very very important for them to
844.72 -> take out time for recreation it could be
847.6 -> through a hobby such as gardening
850.16 -> walking
851.279 -> spending time with family etc
854.56 -> nature walk in calm surrounding walk
857.92 -> daily
858.88 -> begin with 10 to 15 minutes of slow
861.92 -> paced walk gradually build up to half an
865.68 -> hour of brisk walk
867.839 -> followed by 15 minutes of shavasana if
870.48 -> tired rest for a few minutes in between
873.36 -> the walk in the institute we have seen
876.16 -> many people suffer from hypertension
878.88 -> benefiting from these simple activities
881.519 -> eight hours of sleep is essential
884.56 -> swimming
885.76 -> is also a good exercise for cardiac
888.079 -> patients relaxation is at the root of
891.12 -> yoga therapy
892.639 -> for cardiac patient to develop calm and
895.519 -> relaxed attitude towards life all
898.16 -> relaxation techniques can be practiced
900.72 -> choose
901.6 -> any one relaxation technique to practice
904.88 -> thrice a day
906.32 -> for 20 minutes at a time
908.88 -> the third most important pillar is hr or
912.72 -> routines
913.92 -> our routine always plays a very crucial
917.199 -> role in our day to day life follow
920.079 -> doctor's advice and have a regular
922.639 -> checkup
923.6 -> maintain a checklist and keep an
926.8 -> important and emergency information
929.68 -> handling maintaining healthy weight
932.56 -> helps in reversing
934.32 -> or managing the heart problem
937.759 -> have timely meal eat on time and rest
941.759 -> well
942.56 -> if you are on the move travelling then
945.12 -> carry some cardiac healthy meals
948 -> have sun on your back have sunbathing
951.199 -> and keep your feet always warm
953.6 -> if possible if you are in the house use
956.399 -> a hot water bag after meals on your
959.36 -> abdomen
960.48 -> being active is fine
962.48 -> but over exertion should be avoided
965.12 -> especially after eating food be aware of
969.6 -> the signals of your body while being
972.88 -> active
974 -> and stop when you're feeling stressed be
976.639 -> aware of one's own body
979.279 -> to catch the initial sign of change in
982.24 -> blood pressure and some symptoms like
985.04 -> heaviness of head or dizziness
988.079 -> when
989.04 -> comfortable with walking
991.36 -> one can gradually add few simple asana
994.88 -> like lying down yestikasan
998.56 -> matsyasan
1000.079 -> sitting parvatasana and meditative
1003.519 -> posture
1004.639 -> start the essence of sitting and lying
1007.279 -> down position
1008.639 -> avoid back bending and forward bending
1010.88 -> to begin with
1012.24 -> later
1013.279 -> variations of vaporite kerning should be
1015.68 -> practiced and this variation could be
1018.48 -> try and put your leg against the wall
1021.36 -> it is a restorative pose in addition
1025.199 -> gravity helps circulation by
1027.839 -> facilitating the return of venous blood
1031.439 -> and lymphatic fluids back to the heart
1035.439 -> this is then oxygenated and circulated
1038.72 -> back in the body
1040.559 -> no holding and suspensions in asana and
1043.839 -> pranayama
1044.959 -> practice richard and yogendra pranayama
1048.319 -> iv
1049.039 -> also practice anulom
1051.76 -> without holding
1053.44 -> kriyas such as kapala randra dhoti karna
1057.44 -> randhra dhotis should be done practice
1059.84 -> yoni mudra for one minute every day
1063.2 -> now we come to the last pillar and that
1066.16 -> is which are
1067.52 -> emotional factors play a major role in
1070.96 -> our health
1072.4 -> and hence
1073.76 -> the emotional management becomes very
1077.36 -> crucial thing for recovery be aware of
1080.88 -> your thoughts
1082.24 -> maintain awareness and cheerfulness
1085.2 -> during work and do it with dedication
1088.24 -> and joy in a relaxed way
1091.039 -> write 10 positive points every day this
1094.16 -> would take your mind away from negative
1096.96 -> to positive
1098.72 -> develop faith in self and higher reality
1102.96 -> it is important to understand that we
1106.08 -> are that little small part in the
1108.559 -> functioning of the universe
1111.039 -> so what we can do
1113.2 -> we have to do our duty and surrender to
1116.88 -> god its results
1118.88 -> manage stressful situations manage
1121.6 -> stressful conditions
1123.36 -> manage all the triggers of your life
1126.24 -> practice vairagya power little
1128.48 -> objectivity little detachment
1131.36 -> to develop a relaxed attitude towards
1134.72 -> life this can be achieved by practicing
1138.64 -> relaxation asanas too
1141.12 -> you are lying down in shavasana let go
1144.32 -> your body weight learn to let go jodo
1148.32 -> relax
1149.6 -> that would really help practice bhavanas
1153.12 -> like
1154 -> sakshi bhavana anita bhavana
1157.52 -> and pratipaksha bhavana
1160.4 -> practice of parikarbas that is my three
1164.16 -> karuna mudita really helps to manage
1167.84 -> with people
1169.28 -> and it helps to manage our own emotions
1172.88 -> working on these four pillars would
1175.6 -> result in a holistic approach in
1178.4 -> achieving an optimal health ensure
1183.039 -> that in day-to-day life we focus on
1185.679 -> these four pillars
1191.36 -> so now you know everything about
1194.48 -> coronary heart diseases what is it what
1197.6 -> are the causes what are the symptoms and
1200 -> how to manage it
1201.84 -> most importantly you are aware about the
1204.72 -> yogic management technique
1207.039 -> that would help you to deal with this
1208.88 -> condition and let you live a happy life
1212.32 -> without allowing any conditions to
1215.039 -> control your thoughts
1217.44 -> so follow these beneficial techniques
1220.72 -> and bring the change in your mindset
1224.559 -> improve your general health
1227.6 -> improve the health of your mind and have
1231.28 -> a very healthy and happy
1234.559 -> life
1235.76 -> namaskar