Complications linked to COVID, toddler screen time development delays

Complications linked to COVID, toddler screen time development delays

Complications linked to COVID, toddler screen time development delays

Toddler screen time may be linked to developmental delays plus a new study evaluates whether blue light glasses do what they claim and whether long-term complications being linked to prior COVID infections.


0 -> Health news toddler screen time may be
2.34 -> linked to developmental delays also a
4.68 -> new study evaluates whether blue light
6.96 -> glasses do what they claim to do we'll
9.599 -> have that but first Dr McGeorge is here
11.28 -> with a new long-term complication being
13.139 -> linked to Prior covet infections yeah I
15.839 -> can really endeaven so in fact new
17.94 -> research has found covid-19 may play a
20.699 -> role in putting patients at higher risk
22.619 -> of high blood pressure researchers
24.48 -> looked at thousands of covid-19 and
27.18 -> influenza patients from 2020 to 2022.
30.06 -> now none of them had a history of
31.679 -> hypertension before the infection but
34.2 -> six months after their illness covid
37.2 -> patients were twice as likely to develop
39.18 -> high blood pressure than those with
40.86 -> either influenza or other respiratory
42.66 -> viruses in fact more than 20 percent of
45.239 -> the covid-19 patients developed high
47.34 -> blood pressure clearly follow-up will be
49.8 -> needed to see what effect it has longer
51.96 -> term
52.739 -> so a new study in Jama Pediatrics finds
55.26 -> handing your baby a smartphone or tablet
57.84 -> to play with could impact their
59.219 -> development one-year-olds who looked at
61.62 -> screens for up to four hours a day were
64.199 -> three times more likely to show delays
66.06 -> in communication and problem solving by
67.86 -> age two now if that screen time was more
70.799 -> than four hours a day the chances of a
72.96 -> developmental delay increased to five
75.06 -> times researchers believe passive screen
77.88 -> time just takes away from interactions
80.1 -> that improve communication skills now
82.56 -> finally blue light glasses have become
84.6 -> wildly popular over the past few years
86.52 -> to prevent computerized it may not help
89.82 -> your eyes much after all in fact a new
91.74 -> analysis of 17 randomized controlled
94.32 -> clinical trials in six countries found
96.06 -> blue light glasses don't help with eye
98.22 -> strain they don't protect the retina and
100.92 -> they don't help with the sleep at night
102.96 -> the conclusion of course is there's
105.119 -> probably no harm in them except maybe to
107.579 -> your wallet no harm but no good either
109.74 -> maybe exactly I mean you're just kind of
112.2 -> chasing
115.46 -> it sounds like a good idea but you know
117.6 -> on the phone side just change if you
119.7 -> have a concern about blue light from
121.56 -> your device yeah just change it to the
123.24 -> nighttime setting right right yeah okay
