Coronary Artery Disease: Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

Coronary Artery Disease: Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

Coronary Artery Disease: Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

Hannah Marchand, PhD a psychologist at the Ottawa Heart Institute discusses stress, anxiety and depression as it relates to coronary artery disease for those who have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or who want to learn more about the condition.


1.367 -> Hi my name is Doctor Hannah Marchand.
3.066 -> I'm a psychologist at the Heart Institute and today
5.433 -> we will be talking about stress, depression and anxiety.
9.367 -> So to start, Stress.
11.133 -> What happens to your body in a stressful situation?
14.233 -> Well your body reacts by releasing stress hormones.
17.3 -> In response, your heart rate and blood pressure increase,
20.1 -> your breathing becomes faster and more shallow,
22.834 -> your skin starts to sweat and your entire body starts
25.3 -> to "rev up into high gear".
27.4 -> in the short-term, your body becomes more alert
29.8 -> and more able to deal with a stressful situation.
33.266 -> But if you're under stress for a long period of time,
36 -> other changes can occur that are not so positive.
40 -> These include: one, your fat cells that were released into
43.667 -> the bloodstream for extra energy become converted into
46.2 -> cholesterol, two, platelets circulating in the blood become
50.734 -> more sticky and patterns of daily life may change
54.9 -> making it more difficult to eat well, exercise regularly
57.7 -> or get enough rest.
62.233 -> So how do we manage our stress?
64 -> Well, here are a few tips on managing stress.
68.367 -> How we think about an event determines its impacts our
70.367 -> health and therefore it is important to identify what
74.033 -> causes your stress and how it affects you personally.
77.433 -> Its important to be physically active on a regular basis.
82.033 -> You also want to identify and use your
83.9 -> social support networks.
85.767 -> This includes friends and family.
89 -> If you're feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty functioning in
92.333 -> your daily activities, it is important that you speak with
95.6 -> your doctor or nurse about different options that
98.033 -> would be available for you.
100.967 -> You can also attend a stress management program.
103.934 -> Here at the Heart Institute, our stress management program
107 -> consists of five 90-minute sessions in a group format.
110.066 -> The sessions focus on:
112.1 -> breathing and muscle relaxation techniques,
114.667 -> looking at ways to improve assertive communication skills,
118.567 -> uncovering and changing negative thoughts
122.066 -> and they also use humour as a good coping strategy to help
125.333 -> you manage your stress better.
128.667 -> You can register by calling 613-761-4558.
134.734 -> The cost is $30.
137.367 -> If you have family members that are also interested you can
140.633 -> contact the University of Ottawa Heart Institute prevention
144.233 -> and wellness centre to get more information.
147.934 -> Now we move on to depression.
149.9 -> Depression is common in people with heart problems.
152.3 -> About 1 in 5 patients, so that's about 20 percent,
154.967 -> experience clinical or major depression.
157.734 -> If you're feeling at least five of the symptoms listed below
161.367 -> for a two week period or more, you may actually developing
164.066 -> depression and it may be important that you speak
166.7 -> to somebody about how you've been feeling.
169.367 -> So symptoms of depression include: feeling down,
172.2 -> feeling blue, feeling sad, losing interest in activities
175.533 -> that you used to enjoy doing, changes of appetite,
179.6 -> sleep disturbances, significant changes in your weight,
185.433 -> loss of energy, difficulty with concentration or memory,
189.8 -> feeling like you want to withdraw from friends and
192.2 -> family, feelings of worthlessness,
195.033 -> helplessness or hopelessness, changes in sexual desire or
199.6 -> thoughts about death or suicide.
203.4 -> So many people ask, how does depression affect your heart?
206.867 -> Well, depression affects your heart in two ways,
209.967 -> directly and indirectly.
212.333 -> Depression affects your heart directly by increasing
214.9 -> the risk of blood clotting and plaque build-up.
217.767 -> It negatively affects your immune system so you're
220.133 -> less able to fight off germs and viruses.
223.533 -> Depression may affect your heart indirectly by influencing
226.166 -> some of the decisions you make.
228.266 -> So people with depression often find it difficult to
230.333 -> make healthy choices about quitting smoking, exercising,
233.767 -> eating or taking medication safely.
237.033 -> They find it difficult to find the drive or energy to
239.734 -> make healthy lifestyle changes.
244.934 -> So what do we do if we're feeling depressed?
248.133 -> Well some tips on managing symptoms of depression include:
251.667 -> do more pleasant activities, even f you don't feel like it.
254.834 -> We know from research that this is very important.
257.6 -> It is important to exercise regularly and do
261.066 -> activities that you enjoy doing.
264.367 -> It is also important to set realistic goals and do
266.967 -> one thing at a time.
269.667 -> When you're feeling down, you might not feel like you're doing
272.6 -> enough so it is important that you celebrate your achievements.
276 -> You may need to record your daily activities to
278.767 -> prove to yourself that you're making gains.
281.533 -> It is also important to take time for yourself.
284.133 -> Give yourself that time, that space that you need especially
288.367 -> in your daily life when you become busy and when the focus
291.734 -> is on others, it's important to take time for yourself.
295.8 -> You also want to talk about problems or concerns.
298.734 -> Seek support and don't bottle up your feelings.
302.2 -> You can also participate in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
306.033 -> If you're finding the symptoms of depression
309.066 -> are hard to manage, it is important that you
311.767 -> talk to a doctor or mental health professional like
314.2 -> a social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist about proven
316.9 -> treatments for depression.
322.066 -> And last we move onto anxiety.
325.333 -> Anxiety is one of the most distressing
327 -> emotions that people feel.
328.7 -> At some point in time, most cardiac patients will experience
331.567 -> varying degrees of fear or nervousness related to
334.5 -> their health condition.
336.033 -> This is normal.
338.1 -> Like depression, about 1 in 5 cardiac patients experience
341.2 -> significant anxiety symptoms.
344.6 -> So these symptoms may include: uncontrollable worry,
347.967 -> feeling on edge or restless, feeling irritable,
352.4 -> muscle tension, light-headedness,
355.367 -> sleep problems, being easily fatigued, changes in heart rate,
361 -> headaches, sweating, or stomach problems.
365.834 -> Anxiety describes a number of problems and these can include
369.166 -> things like generalized anxiety where the individual
373 -> has a mixture of worries experienced most of the time.
377.133 -> Individuals can also have panic attacks which are
380.367 -> intense feelings of anxiety sometimes accompanied by
383.333 -> increased heart rate, sweating and often times,
386.533 -> you feel like you're going to die.
389.734 -> Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is also another anxiety
393.2 -> disorder and this includes experiencing/witnessing
398.2 -> a horrifying event and subsequently individuals have
402 -> repeated memories of this terrible or traumatic event
405.033 -> with high levels of fear.
407.834 -> So how does anxiety affect your heart?
411.8 -> Well, anxiety may play a role in cardiac problems by increasing
415.333 -> the risk of an irregular heart beat and triggering spasms.
419.2 -> Both of these responses may lead to cardiac complications.
423.266 -> Anxiety may also lead to unhealthy behaviours such as
426.433 -> smoking, overeating, poor sleep and decreased physical activity.
433.4 -> So what can you do if you're feeling anxious?
436.2 -> Well, like stress and like symptoms of depression,
440.133 -> you can also find ways that can help you manage your anxiety.
444.8 -> One such way is to practice relaxation techniques.
448.7 -> Relaxation techniques include taking a nice slow and deep
452.467 -> breath and just sitting there and feeling your breath,
456.834 -> taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out.
460.767 -> Another type of relaxation technique is imagining a
463.4 -> pleasant scene whether that's a beach,
465.5 -> a quiet park and someplace that is relaxing for you.
471.066 -> Another relaxation technique includes relaxing muscles
474.7 -> throughout the body so starting from your head and working your
477.5 -> way down to your toes and just letting your body
480.166 -> and your muscles relax.
483.433 -> Another technique is distracting yourself from your thoughts or
486.2 -> physical symptoms such as counting backwards
489 -> from 100 in three's.
492.867 -> You can also do something pleasurable like read a funny
495.533 -> book or watch a movie that you have been wanting to see.
498.8 -> If you're feeling anxiety, it is important that you share
501.066 -> your fears and worries with someone you trust.
503.7 -> Don't try and deal with this on your own.
506.7 -> Individuals also find it helpful to manage anxiety by learning
509.266 -> how to recognize what is it that makes them feel anxious
513.166 -> and from there develop a plan.
516.266 -> It is also important to challenge yourself to change
519.066 -> the way you are thinking about a problem.
520.867 -> So for example, tell yourself,
522.266 -> "I can handle this. I've done it before."
524.333 -> or "I'm not going to die.
527.033 -> It is normal for my heart to pump harder
528.834 -> when I'm exercising.".
531.9 -> So to determine how much control you have in a situation
535.266 -> and let go of things that are beyond your control.
539.4 -> Another way to help yourself manage your anxiety is
542.734 -> to participate in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
547.2 -> And again, like stress and depression, if you're
552.367 -> finding that you want more support and are looking for
555.767 -> more treatments, it is important to talk to your doctor or mental
558.467 -> health professional about proven treatments for anxiety.
563.4 -> For more information on mental health issues,
565.6 -> you can visit the following websites.
567.934 -> You can go to the Canadian Mental Health Association
570.633 -> at or visit the Canadian Psychological
578.233 -> Association website at
