Will My Chronic Hypertension Go Away After Pregnancy?

Will My Chronic Hypertension Go Away After Pregnancy?

Will My Chronic Hypertension Go Away After Pregnancy?

Interventional cardiologist Saira Samani, MD, discusses how patients who develop high blood pressure during pregnancy are at a higher risk of developing heart disease in the future.

Learn more about preventative cardiology care: ochsner.org/cardio


2.88 -> Sometimes during pregnancy patients may,  women, may develop gestational hypertension,  
8.88 -> or chronic hypertension, depending on the time  period during their pregnancy when they have the  
13.52 -> symptoms and the diagnosis or even diabetes. Now,  once delivery is done if that resolves that's,  
19.84 -> you know, a good thing, if it doesn't they  continue to seek treatment, hopefully.  
23.12 -> But in scenarios where it resolves patients may  not seek any further treatment thinking it was  
28.32 -> related to my pregnancy, and hence I don't have to  worry about it anymore. Whereas, the fact of the  
33.6 -> matter is that because it happened during their  pregnancy they are at a higher risk of developing,  
40.4 -> not only the hypertension diabetes, but  independent of developing diabetes they're  
44.96 -> at a higher risk twofold higher risk of having  stroke. Fourfold higher risk of having heart  
49.84 -> disease in the future, and I think I want to  underscore I know Dr. Qamruddin mentioned this  
54.16 -> but I want to emphasize this is a very important  thing and I think it's something that, you know,  
58.48 -> should not be overlooked because even though  the hypertension or the diabetes may resolve,  
63.2 -> there is an underlying risk factor that this  subset of people is a different subset. They need  
68.72 -> more care, they need more preventive cardiology  attention than the other sect of the population.  
75.84 -> So just want to take the opportunity to  emphasize that for the screening test,  
79.44 -> that this population especially  should definitely get it.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=403IyWLbyms