Blood pressure: what causes high blood pressure?
Blood pressure: what causes high blood pressure?
You may be considered to have high blood pressure if the pressure of the blood flowing through your arteries is consistently above 140/90 mmHg. Your health professional will determine your ideal blood pressure goal based on your individual circumstances (including age, medical and family history). Lifestyle, along with genetic and environmental factors, can contribute to your risk of developing high blood pressure.
Find out more at http://www.nps.org.au/blood-pressure
0.1 -> [MUSIC]
7.069 -> >> MALE VOICE OVER: The exact cause of your high blood pressure can be difficult to diagnose.
11.58 -> It's the result of a complex interaction between your lifestyle and genetics, and other factors,
16.75 -> which together effect your blood pressure.
19.83 -> Regardless of the cause, high blood pressure means your heart is pushing harder to get
23.71 -> blood around your body.
25.449 -> The bigger push gives your heart and the blood vessels a bit of a workout.
29.46 -> As a result the arteries bulk up further restricting blood flow and worsening the problem.
35.989 -> It's this increasing pressure on the blood
vessels that's the big concern.
40.1 -> Eventually it can cause them to thicken to
the point where they become blocked or burst.
44.52 -> A burst or blocked artery means blood can't get through, the cells on the other side won't
49.64 -> get oxygen and will be damaged.
53.39 -> In your brain this may mean a stroke.
55.47 -> In your heart - a heart attack.
57.7 -> In your kidneys, wastes and extra fluids are not removed, which has serious heart and health implications.
64.88 -> But because high blood pressure doesn't usually cause symptoms, many people may not know that they have it.
70.9 -> So get it checked, and with help from your
Doctor, you can take the necessary steps to get it under control.
77.14 -> [MUSIC]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RnTnR5iDXw