What You Should Eat To Prevent Heart Disease
What You Should Eat To Prevent Heart Disease
Are you doing more harm than good to your heart? Dr. Max Gomez with surprising new information on foods to eat and the foods to avoid.
0.06 -> there's so much conflicting information
1.41 -> out there about what constitutes a heart
3.929 -> healthy diet that it's no wonder people
5.91 -> are confused here's what shouldn't be
8.25 -> confusing fresh fruits and vegetables
10.349 -> are a must for a healthy diet both to
13.11 -> prevent heart disease and cancer
15.15 -> then there's the overall rule of thumb
17.22 -> to keep in mind for all your eating
19.05 -> before you reach for a box or a package
21.199 -> or some microwavable something or other
23.85 -> just try your best to eat the
26.099 -> unprocessed and minimally processed
27.75 -> versions of plant foods and limit the
31.23 -> animal products if consuming them at all
32.82 -> those recommendations come from a new
34.98 -> study in the Journal of the American
36.239 -> College of Cardiology that found that
38.67 -> consuming unsweetened coffee tea and
40.86 -> even low to moderate amounts of alcohol
42.57 -> can be good for your heart dr. Andrew
45.48 -> Freeman a cardiologist at National
47.309 -> Jewish Health in Denver led the research
49.379 -> he says it's best to steer clear of
51.629 -> anything with added sugar and go easy on
53.969 -> butter and cheese a major source of salt
56.789 -> and artery-clogging saturated fat in the
59.67 -> american diet so you know when you go
61.32 -> out to dinner not only do they put
62.969 -> cheese on the bread they bring out
64.11 -> butter they add more cheese and before
65.85 -> long you have five six servings of dairy
67.17 -> at dinner and so that's a harmful way to
70.26 -> eat other healthy foods to include in
72.54 -> your diet legumes or beans are a great
74.85 -> source of complex carbohydrates and
77.25 -> protein fish and fish oil capsules are
80.159 -> good sources of lean protein and omega-3
82.5 -> fatty acids but some can be high in
84.75 -> heavy metals read the label and eat only
87.63 -> small occasional portions of red meats
90.799 -> now there's growing evidence that
93.03 -> seaweed and fermented food like kimchi
95.22 -> can be beneficial to your heart but most
97.68 -> vitamin supplements aren't worth the
99.27 -> money unless you know you're deficient
101.369 -> in a vitamin as author Michael Pollan
103.5 -> says eat real food not too much mostly
106.2 -> plants moderation and everything even an
110.189 -> occasional hamburger isn't gonna kill
112.02 -> you but occasional very occasional is
114.81 -> the operative word key words so let's
116.909 -> clear up eggs can we yeah yolks good bad
119.43 -> or ugly that's what really all the
120.719 -> nutrition in eggs is in in the yolk you
123.45 -> know the egg whites that everybody likes
125.1 -> to go for that's got the protein but the
127.02 -> real nutrition is in egg yolks it turns
129 -> out that the cholesterol that you eat
130.619 -> and eggs for example
133.55 -> eating what cholesterol you eat doesn't
135.41 -> really end up in the cholesterol in your
137.21 -> blood and that's what's important
139.43 -> thank goodness because the egg without
141.95 -> the yolk it doesn't taste much yeah not
144.2 -> much okay much in a while it's fine yes
147.86 -> moderation moderate thank you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jPcmD2Jq24