Chocolate and Stroke Risk

Chocolate and Stroke Risk

Chocolate and Stroke Risk

Dark chocolate is pitted against milk chocolate in a test of artery function.

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More on chocolate in:
• A Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (…)
• Dark Chocolate and Artery Function (…)
• Does Chocolate Cause Weight Gain? (…)

More on stroke prevention in:
• How to Prevent a Stroke (…)
• Preventing Strokes with Diet (…)
• PREDIMED: Does Eating Nuts Prevent Strokes? (…)

And speaking of stroke, stay tuned for my next video Does Diet Soda Increase Stroke Risk as Much as Regular Soda? (…)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image Credits: jackmac34 via pixabay, and pettifoggist \u0026 Linelle Photography via flickr. Images have been modified.
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7.12 -> the problem with publishing research on
9.12 -> chocolate is that the press jumps on it
11.599 -> oversimplifying and sensationalizing the
13.759 -> message and then the money starts
15.759 -> rolling in from candy companies muddying
17.92 -> the message
19.119 -> but lost in all that is an important
21.199 -> idea that the flavonol phytonutrients in
23.519 -> cocoa do appear to be beneficial
26.56 -> the sugar in chocolate isn't good for us
28.72 -> the fat and excess calories in chocolate
31.199 -> aren't good for us but natural cocoa
33.68 -> powder can be considered a health food
36 -> so adding cocoa to a smoothie or oatmeal
38.879 -> or whatever would be health promoting
41.6 -> but ideally choose unprocessed undutched
44.719 -> cocoa since the flavanols are what give
47.28 -> cocoa its bitterness so they try to
49.12 -> process cocoa with alkali to destroy
51.36 -> them on purpose
52.879 -> thus when it comes to cocoa
54.719 -> bitter appears to be better
58.16 -> in my video on chocolate and artery
60.079 -> function i showed how dark chocolate
61.84 -> could improve the function of coronary
63.76 -> arteries in the heart within two hours
65.84 -> of consumption using fancy angiography
68.56 -> but
69.36 -> there are some blood vessels you can
71.04 -> visualize with your eyes
72.96 -> the blood vessels in your eyes two hours
75.84 -> after eating dark chocolate significant
77.6 -> improvement in the ability of the little
79.52 -> veins in your eyes to dilate
82.32 -> what about the blood vessels in your
84.56 -> legs
85.52 -> peripheral artery disease
86.799 -> atherosclerosis in the arteries feeding
88.799 -> your limbs leading to claudication a
90.96 -> crampy pain your calf muscles when you
92.72 -> try to exercise due to impaired blood
94.56 -> flow so
96.159 -> maximal walking distance and maximal
98.159 -> walking time were studied in 20
100.64 -> peripheral artery disease patients two
102.399 -> hours after eating dark chocolate with a
104.399 -> respectable 85 plus percent cocoa or
107.6 -> after eating wimpy milk chocolate after
110 -> the dark chocolate they could walk about
111.439 -> a dozen more yards and about 17 more
113.84 -> seconds than before the dark chocolate
115.92 -> but after the milk chocolate they
117.439 -> weren't even able to walk as far as
119.759 -> baseline and not a single second more
122.64 -> so there does seem to be something in
124.64 -> cocoa that's helping
126.399 -> but a few seconds here there aren't
128.399 -> going to cut it how about reversing the
131.36 -> atherosclerosis
133.04 -> which we didn't even think possible
135.04 -> until 1977.
137.84 -> wait what happened in 77 dean ornish
140.4 -> didn't start publishing on heart disease
141.68 -> reversal to 1979.
144 -> well actually the first demonstration of
145.68 -> atherosclerosis reversal with a
147.599 -> cholesterol-lowering diet and drugs
149.28 -> wasn't on the coronary arteries going to
151.04 -> the heart but rather the femoral
152.8 -> arteries going to the legs
155.36 -> what about the arteries going to the
157.92 -> brain well there's a non-invasive way to
160.8 -> measure arterial function within the
162.56 -> brain using transcranial ultrasound if
165.2 -> you ask someone to hold their breath
167.84 -> the brain says uh oh and starts opening
169.84 -> up the arteries to increase blood flow
171.36 -> to compensate
172.8 -> but if the arteries in our brain are
174.319 -> stiffened and crippled by
175.44 -> atherosclerosis they're unable to open
177.519 -> as much and as fast as they should and
179.519 -> so are said to have a smaller
181.28 -> breath-holding index which can be a risk
183.68 -> factor for stroke so researchers
186.48 -> designed an experiment which they
187.76 -> compared the results of a target food to
190 -> something neutral like oatmeal so
192.319 -> did they choose like a spoonful of cocoa
194.319 -> powder or something
195.68 -> no a randomized crossover trial of
197.84 -> oatmeal versus
200.319 -> a deep fried mars bar
204.48 -> wait why a deep-fried mars bar well
207.599 -> this was published in the scottish
209.36 -> medical journal and evidently deep fried
211.44 -> mars bars a snack strongly associated
213.92 -> with scotland
215.519 -> wait is just this is this just an urban
217.84 -> legend or something no 627 fish and chip
221.599 -> shops in scotland were called to
223.04 -> ascertain the delicacies availability
225.68 -> and more than one in five said yeah
228.159 -> selling up to 200 a week
230.239 -> just follow the signs
233.92 -> comes out a little something like this
238.4 -> batter dipped and deep-fried snickers
241.04 -> bars and pizza were evidently less
243.04 -> popular
244.319 -> the researchers conclude that it's not
247.519 -> just an urban legend encouragingly they
250.56 -> did find some evidence of the penetrance
252.56 -> of the mediterranean diet albeit in the
254.959 -> form of deep fried pizza
258.4 -> could this be contributing to scotland
260.479 -> having among the highest stroke rate in
262.479 -> europe
263.52 -> well they put it to the test and
266.56 -> interestingly there was a significant
268.32 -> drop in men compared to women
271.36 -> maybe men are from mars women are from
274.72 -> snickers
277.199 -> regardless what about chocolate that's
279.6 -> not deep fraud it's been a few
281.6 -> population studies that have followed
282.96 -> people over time and found that those
284.88 -> who ate chocolate appear to have lower
286.56 -> stroke rates since confirmed by another
288.96 -> study but maybe chocolate consumption
291.6 -> just happens to be related to other
294.08 -> behaviors that are heart and brain
295.6 -> healthy like hey people that exercise a
298.32 -> lot have to eat more food period so
300.88 -> maybe they eat more chocolate
303.12 -> they didn't see any evidence of that but
304.72 -> you can't account for everything i mean
306.32 -> to prove cause and effect you'd have to
308.08 -> like randomize people into two groups
310 -> make half eat chocolate the other half
311.52 -> not and fall them out for a decade or
313.28 -> two
314 -> to which one researcher replied
316.24 -> fat chance you try to get people into a
319.039 -> study where they could be randomized to
321.12 -> 16 years without chocolate
346.32 -> you
