What happens during a heart attack? - Krishna Sudhir
What happens during a heart attack? - Krishna Sudhir
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ในแต่ละปี ผู้คนประมาณเจ็ดล้านคนทั่วโลกเสียชีวิตจากโรคหัวใจขาดเลือดฉับพลัน โรคหัวใจและหลอดเลือด ทำให้เกิดโรคหัวใจขาดเลือดฉับพลันและโรคอื่น ๆ เช่นโรคเส้นเลือดสมองตีบแตก นับว่าป็นฆาตกรอันดับต้นๆของโลก
กฤษณะ สุธีร เจาะลึกสาเหตุหลักและวิธีการรักษาของโรคร้ายแรงโรคนี้
เนื้อเรื่องโดย กฤษณะ สุธีร แอนิเมชัน โดย แชดวิค ไวท์เฮด
7.41 -> Approximately 7 million people around the
world die from heart attacks every year,
12.98 -> and cardiovascular disease,
14.901 -> which causes heart attacks and other
problems like strokes,
18.06 -> is the world's leading killer.
20.5 -> So what causes a heart attack?
22.65 -> Like all muscles, the heart needs oxygen,
25.14 -> and during a heart attack,
it can't get enough.
28.55 -> Fatty deposits, or plaques,
30.541 -> develop on the walls
of our coronary arteries.
33.241 -> Those are the vessels that supply
oxygenated blood to the heart.
37.208 -> These plaques grow as we age,
39.49 -> sometimes getting chunky,
40.76 -> hardened,
41.78 -> or enflamed.
43.091 -> Eventually, the plaques can turn
into blockages.
45.96 -> If one of the plaques ruptures or cracks,
48.791 -> a blood clot will form around it
in minutes,
52.169 -> and a partially closed artery
can become completely blocked.
56.252 -> Blood flow is cut off
to the cardiac muscle
58.712 -> and the oxygen-starved cells start to die
within several minutes.
63.061 -> This is a myocardial infarction,
65.911 -> or heart attack.
67.311 -> Things can rapidly deteriorate
in the absence of treatment.
71.302 -> The injured muscle may not be able
to pump blood as well,
74.712 -> and its rhythm might be thrown off.
77.102 -> In the worst case scenario,
a heart attack can cause sudden death.
81.472 -> And how do you know that someone
is having a heart attack?
84.441 -> The most common symptom is chest pain
86.723 -> caused by the oxygen-deprived
heart muscle.
89.622 -> Patients describe it as crushing
or vice-like.
92.822 -> It can radiate to the left arm,
94.633 -> jaw,
95.472 -> back,
96.241 -> or abdomen.
97.473 -> But it's not always as sudden and dramatic
as it is in the movies.
101.622 -> Some people experience nausea
103.513 -> or shortness of breath.
104.932 -> Symptoms may be less prominent
in women and the elderly.
108.283 -> For them, weakness and tiredness
may be the main signal.
112.592 -> And surprisingly, in many people,
114.513 -> especially those with diabetes,
which affects the nerves that carry pain,
118.642 -> a heart attack may be silent.
121.192 -> If you think that someone might be
having a heart attack,
123.993 -> the most important thing
is to respond quickly.
127.163 -> If you have access to emergency medical
services, call them.
131.032 -> They're the fastest way
to get to a hospital.
133.474 -> Taking aspirin, which thins the blood,
135.825 -> and nitroglycerin,
which opens up the artery,
138.624 -> can help keep the heart attack
from getting worse.
141.594 -> In the emergency room,
doctors can diagnose a heart attack.
144.933 -> They commonly use an electrocardiogram
147.524 -> to measure the heart's
electrical activity
150.034 -> and a blood test to assess
heart muscle damage.
153.294 -> The patient is then taken to a high-tech
cardiac suite
156.765 -> where tests are done
to locate the blockages.
160.105 -> Cardiologists can reopen
the blocked artery
162.734 -> by inflating it with a balloon
in a procedure called an angioplasty.
167.365 -> Frequently, they also insert a metal
or polymer stent
170.794 -> that will hold the artery open.
173.148 -> More extensive blockages might require
coronary artery bypass surgery.
177.625 -> Using a piece of vein or artery
from another part of the body,
181.73 -> heart surgeons can reroute blood flow
around the blockage.
185.866 -> These procedures reestablish circulation
to the cardiac muscle,
189.389 -> restoring heart function.
191.367 -> Heart attack treatment is advancing,
193.111 -> but prevention is vital.
195.448 -> Genetics and lifestyle factors
both affect your risk.
199.07 -> And the good news is that you can
change your lifestyle.
202.174 -> Exercise, a healthy diet,
and weight loss
204.566 -> all lower the risk of heart attacks,
207.039 -> whether you've had one before or not.
209.019 -> Doctors recommend exercising
a few times a week,
212.006 -> doing both aerobic activity
and strength training.
215.18 -> A heart-healthy diet is low
in sugar and saturated fats,
218.826 -> which are both linked to heart disease.
221.096 -> So what should you eat?
222.567 -> Lots of fiber from vegetables,
224.237 -> chicken and fish instead of red meat,
226.683 -> whole grains and nuts like walnuts
and almonds
229.946 -> all seem to be beneficial.
232.356 -> A good diet and exercise plan can also
keep your weight in a healthy range,
236.737 -> which will lower
your heart attack risk as well.
239.548 -> And of course, medications can also
help prevent heart attacks.
243.167 -> Doctors often prescribe low-dose
aspirin, for example,
246.267 -> particularly for patients who've
already had a heart attack
249.976 -> and for those known to be
at high risk.
252.847 -> And drugs that help manage risk factors,
254.956 -> like high blood pressure, cholesterol,
and diabetes,
258.337 -> will make heart attacks less likely, too.
261.038 -> Heart attacks may be common,
but they don't have to be inevitable.
265.057 -> A healthy diet,
266.176 -> avoiding tobacco use,
267.599 -> staying fit,
268.728 -> and enjoying plenty of sleep
and lots of laughter
271.528 -> all go a long way in making sure
your body's most important muscle
275.769 -> keeps on beating.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_PYnWVoUzM