Animation: An Inside Look at Heart Failure | WebMD
Animation: An Inside Look at Heart Failure | WebMD
Around 670,000 people are diagnosed with heart failure each year. Here’s an inside look at what happens.
0.03 -> in a healthy heart blood from the body
2.55 -> is pumped through the right side of the
4.259 -> heart to the lungs to pick up oxygen
6.649 -> from there the oxygen-rich blood returns
9.9 -> to the left side of the heart which
11.969 -> pumps it through the aorta to the rest
13.65 -> of the body
14.9 -> heart failure occurs when the heart is
17.43 -> unable to pump enough blood to meet the
19.56 -> body's needs conditions that damage or
22.59 -> overwork the heart muscle can lead to
24.51 -> heart failure like high blood pressure
26.39 -> coronary artery disease and diabetes
29.72 -> over time is a heart weakens and either
32.85 -> can't fill with enough blood or can't
35.13 -> pump blood to the body with enough force
36.989 -> sometimes both problems happen together
40.61 -> to compensate the heart may beat faster
43.89 -> and the chambers may either stretch to
45.93 -> hold more blood or become stiff and
48.3 -> thickened to help pump more blood
49.68 -> through but this only makes the heart
53.19 -> weaker blood and fluid can back up into
56.28 -> the lungs and the kidneys may respond by
58.77 -> retaining water and salt this excess
62.609 -> fluid causes swelling in the body adding
65.1 -> even more strain on the heart well
68.04 -> there's no cure for heart failure early
70.47 -> diagnosis and treatment can help people
72.659 -> who have it we've longer more active
74.85 -> lives
75.26 -> [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f-IGc_wjTA