A Stroke Can Happen at Any Age: Rhys’ Story

A Stroke Can Happen at Any Age: Rhys’ Story

A Stroke Can Happen at Any Age: Rhys’ Story

The International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association are teaming up to spread pediatric stroke awareness. Watch Rhys’ inspiring pediatric stroke story to learn more.

We encourage you to support this awareness campaign by sharing this video with your friends, family and colleagues. With your help we can reach our ultimate goal of increasing research to better understand how to recognize, diagnose and treat strokes in babies, children and the unborn.

To learn more about pediatric stroke and other ways you can help, visit:


Thank you to our videographer and film editor Peter Soby of SobyVision! Contact: 402-670-2490


5.77 -> I like to ride my motorcycle and invent
13.33 -> things like snatch out my ideas and play
18.22 -> Crazy Eights once things become her idea
20.949 -> then she's off to the races and there's
23.47 -> you know not really any stopping her
25.03 -> she's your typical ten year old kid
30.28 -> to keep your hips down and most people
32.529 -> when they meet race would never know
35.35 -> that she had spent hundreds of hours in
37.57 -> physical therapy I had a great pregnancy
40.78 -> I was never on bed rest I never felt
43.06 -> sick and at 28 weeks I went in for a
46.69 -> routine ultrasound
57.6 -> they're born at 8:40 in the morning and
61.84 -> before noon
63.55 -> they had riesen with an EEG and an MRI
67.479 -> and they called in a pediatric
69.82 -> neurologist you came in and said what we
72.49 -> noticed on her MRI is she had four
74.74 -> lesions in the left parietal lobe of her
78.04 -> brain which indicates that she had a
80.47 -> stroke at some point while you were
81.91 -> pregnant when you hear that you're not
83.95 -> even three hour old child has had some
86.89 -> sort of injury to their brain your mind
89.229 -> starts erase you start to feel nervous
92.2 -> and kind of panic and more importantly
94.93 -> the thing that I wanted an answer to was
97.119 -> why did she have a stroke in the first
98.979 -> place
104.95 -> you
107.71 -> they did a lot of the same things very
110.29 -> similar time periods they both smile
111.88 -> within two or three days of each other
114.34 -> but when the more noticeable gross motor
117.43 -> skills start to take off her twin was
119.89 -> way way ahead of her
126.44 -> well like it's done by my knee physical
129.569 -> therapy for Rhys has been very important
132.75 -> for her it's the reason that she can
135.45 -> feel comfortable going to school what we
139.38 -> use it mostly for is making sure that
141.48 -> her gait is right so that when she walks
144.27 -> she can clear her toe off the ground
146.45 -> that she can walk with us when we go for
150.48 -> a walk or ride a bike it's made a huge
153.12 -> difference for we don't know what the
155.819 -> future will hold every growth spurt is a
158.37 -> new challenge for her in terms of
160.83 -> walking and everything else but she for
163.709 -> us has always defied expectation in the
167.43 -> greatest of ways
221.78 -> you
231.86 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dqtbo5_W6w