Hypertension and Healthy Eating, Part 2   Role Play, Demo, Foundations

Hypertension and Healthy Eating, Part 2 Role Play, Demo, Foundations

Hypertension and Healthy Eating, Part 2 Role Play, Demo, Foundations

A CHW provides health education about nutrition to a client with high blood pressure.


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6.53 -> So, Lee, what I wanted to share with you is what we think
13.42 -> is some really good information about nutrition
16.42 -> that our clinic's been sharing with all of our patients,
19.1 -> and it's called The Nutrition Source.
23.08 -> I think you told me you're somebody
24.62 -> that likes to get on the Internet
26.71 -> and do your own research.
28.05 -> So I'll give you the link so you can go and find it.
33.61 -> But it's done by the Harvard Medical School.
36.19 -> And what we like about it is that it reflects the latest
40.22 -> science about nutrition, but it presents it
44.54 -> in a language that's easy for everybody to understand.
48.44 -> Because the science is tricky, at least for me.
53.56 -> This healthy eating plate is really
56.28 -> designed to focus on what are the healthier options for us
60.73 -> in terms of food and drink that we
63.38 -> want to increase day to day in our diet.
67.45 -> The other thing that I like about this site
69.51 -> is that it's not super extreme.
73.05 -> It doesn't say go on a diet.
76.56 -> It doesn't say never eat ice cream again, never
79.87 -> drink a soda again.
80.86 -> You're a horrible person if you drink a soda.
83 -> It's kind of--
84.24 -> It's keeping it real.
85.67 -> It is trying to keep it real, which
87.19 -> is what I think works for our health.
90.61 -> And really it's about the french fries
94.48 -> that you were talking about, the salt on your food.
96.63 -> Can we bring that down, reduce it?
99.52 -> Moderation.
100.3 -> Moderation, I think that was the saying I grew up with.
104.69 -> Moderation in all things, and it kind of makes sense.
107.96 -> It does, yeah.
109.78 -> And these are the options that we're
113.3 -> being encouraged to eat and drink more of.
116.18 -> So you'll notice that water is right at the top of the list.
119.44 -> Something that you also mentioned.
121.98 -> And tea and coffee with less sugar in it, right.
125.55 -> You said you like your sugar.
127.77 -> I'm not going to say, Lee, never put sugar in your coffee again.
131.5 -> But maybe think about can you reduce it.
134.08 -> Does it still taste good?
136.655 -> That's for you to gauge.
139.26 ->

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=271pMgUluNg