How Can Exercise Prevent Heart Disease?

How Can Exercise Prevent Heart Disease?

How Can Exercise Prevent Heart Disease?

Dr. Paul Dudley White, the famous physician who has taught many a luminary in the field of cardiology once wrote that heart disease before eighty is our fault and not God’s will or nature’s will.
This means that he recognized long back, the role of life style modification in preventing heart disease. Exercise in a regular pattern is one of the important life style modifications which everyone can adopt to prevent or delay heart disease. Exercise helps in various ways.
Regular exercise conditions the body so that the effort tolerance, lung and muscle function improve. So does our feeling of wellbeing. Of course, exercise burns out extra calories and reduces body weight, which in turn is due to a decrease in the fat deposits. A decrease in fat deposits can reverse the process of block formation in our blood vessels.
Regular exercise can bring down the blood pressure in the long run. Though blood pressure rises progressively with increasing exercise, it reduces the resting blood pressure in the long run. Lower blood pressures mean lower workload for the heart and the chance of thickening of heart muscle and heart failure are reduced.
High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the blood increases with regular exercise. HDL is the good cholesterol which gives us protection from heart disease. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is otherwise known as bad cholesterol, decreases with exercise, again providing protection from heart disease.


0.53 -> Dr. Paul Dudley White, the famous physician who has taught many a luminary in the field
7.01 -> of cardiology once wrote that heart disease before eighty is our fault and not God’s
14.039 -> will or nature’s will. This means that he recognized long back, the
19.6 -> role of life style modification in preventing heart disease. Exercise in a regular pattern
26.23 -> is one of the important life style modifications which everyone can adopt to prevent or delay
32.92 -> heart disease. Exercise helps in various ways. Regular exercise conditions the body so that
41.149 -> the effort tolerance, lung and muscle function improve. So does our feeling of wellbeing.
48.739 -> Of course, exercise burns out extra calories and reduces body weight, which in turn is
56.109 -> due to a decrease in the fat deposits. A decrease in fat deposits can reverse the process of
63.089 -> block formation in our blood vessels. Regular exercise can bring down the blood
69.52 -> pressure in the long run. Though blood pressure rises progressively with increasing exercise,
75.89 -> it reduces the resting blood pressure in the long run. Lower blood pressures mean lower
82.95 -> workload for the heart and the chance of thickening of heart muscle and heart failure are reduced.
90.52 -> High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the blood increases with regular exercise.
98.17 -> HDL is the good cholesterol which gives us protection from heart disease. Low density
105.34 -> lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is otherwise known as bad cholesterol, decreases with exercise,
114.02 -> again providing protection from heart disease.
