How To Find A Healthy Salad Dressing? – Dr. Berg

How To Find A Healthy Salad Dressing? – Dr. Berg

How To Find A Healthy Salad Dressing? – Dr. Berg

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In this video, Dr. Berg talks about salad dressing and the challenges of finding a good one. You want to avoid soy oils, corn oil, canola oil, and cottonseed oil. I also want a dressing with the least sugar possible. The other point is the taste, as many dressings have too much water and not enough oil. You also want to balance your omega-6 oils with omega-3 oils.

Safflower, sunflower, and of course soy and corn are all omega 6, which are inflammatory. So you want to also balance it out with fish oils - cod liver is the best.

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Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis \u0026 Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


0 -> Hi guys. I had some more questions about salad dressing. In this video, we're going
3.48 -> to discuss salad dressings in general. Just kind of give you some ideas of what
6.81 -> I like, what I don't like. Combining ingredients with taste. Ideally you would
12.09 -> want a salad dressing with oil and vinegar, right? So yeah, balsamic vinegar.
16.98 -> You have apple cider vinegar right here. You have extra-virgin olive oil right
22.98 -> here. There's even the avocado oil which a lot of people are starting to
28.59 -> use now. But I just want to go through some types of dressing and the problems that
32.579 -> you're going to run into. Now Bragg's is a really good brand. The
36.51 -> challenge is that even though the ingredients are good, it's too watered
40.59 -> down for me. What I like, when I put some dressing on a salad,
44.37 -> I want more oil. So, it's mainly like water so I really don't like this. Here's
50.489 -> another one. Hawaiian, Bragg's Hawaiian. It's just like
54.629 -> a lot of water, there's hardly any oil in here at all. So I don't really like those.
59.219 -> And the purpose of the oil on the dressing is to also extract some of the
63.93 -> nutrients, the phytonutrients, especially the carotenoids. Those are like the
69.27 -> Vitamin A family of phytonutrients. So here's one right here.
73.74 -> This one right here and the problem is the first ingredient is soybean oil. So
80.13 -> it's going to be GMO. Here's one here. It's a raspberry sugar-free dressing. The
85.049 -> first thing is when you consume this, it's very watery it doesn't really taste
89.549 -> that great. There's no soy in here but there's sucralose and I don't like that
94.35 -> type of sugar. Okay, so here's one right here. This is a really good one right
101.159 -> here. It's called Buttermilk Ranch dressing and this one has hormone-free
110.189 -> buttermilk, non-GMO sunflower oil. It has sea salt, onion, garlic, water, vinegar, eggs.
117.329 -> I mean it's really healthy. It just doesn't have any taste. So good stuff, not
124.229 -> good taste. Now this one right here, cilantro lime. Now this one has sunflower
131.489 -> oil, organic apple cider vinegar. The only thing it has,
136.319 -> it has all the good stuff but it just has a little agave nectar. Now would I
140.43 -> consume this? Well, I want to look at the sugars. Well it has less than one gram of
145.17 -> sugar, so they were probably using a very small amount of agave and it's organic
149.04 -> so I think I would consume this because it's very, very small. If it's less than
153.06 -> one gram, it's very tiny. So this would be an okay dressing, but if you start seeing
158.159 -> that the sugar is very high, where the first ingredient is sugar, stay away
162.629 -> from it. Alright now, we have the Stone well Kitchen cilantro lime okay dressing.
169.92 -> Now there's, if you really have to start reading these, because I bought this one.
174.54 -> This is an olive oil in balsamic vinaigrette and I like the ingredients
179.549 -> because it's basically just pure olive oil, balsamic vinegar, spices and garlic.
185.489 -> That's it. This is awesome and I put in a little bit
187.859 -> of peanut butter, I shake it up and it becomes thicker. So this is one I like
191.97 -> but then I bought another one, assuming it was olive oil and the first oil was
196.62 -> canola. So again, canola. If it's not, doesn't say
201.209 -> non-GMO, organic, it is GMO. So I don't want to consume this. You really want to
208.799 -> balance out your oils. You want to have omegas. If you have too much Omega-6, that
213.12 -> would be like safflower oil, sunflower oil, any of the oils that are like, even
218.37 -> corn, soy, which we don't want to recommend those. You want to balance out
223.44 -> the Omega-6 with the Omega-3. Now of course, you're not going to put fish oil
227.669 -> in your salad dressing but you want to consume more fish or consume fish oil or
232.229 -> chia seed oil or flax oil. Those are Omega-3 fatty acids. I like the fish oils
239.36 -> the best. But chia, hemp, flax, is all Omega-3, but it has a little bit of
242.879 -> Omega-6. And then, the other thing you want to avoid, is you definitely want to
247.049 -> avoid all soy oil. Okay, it's contaminated with you know, glyphosate, which is the
253.47 -> herbicide. Soy, you want to avoid corn oils. It's in the vegetable oils. Stay
257.76 -> away from that, cottonseed oil and canola. Those are GMO, unless it's organic.
263.43 -> Alright? Well thanks for watching. I put a couple
266.01 -> links down below of some amazing recipes on how to make your own dressing. Alright,
271.05 -> talk to you later.
272.5 -> Hey, if you haven't already subscribed, press this little button down
275.91 -> below. Okay? Thanks.
