Heart Failure Epidemic? Is this just the beginning?
Heart Failure Epidemic? Is this just the beginning?
Sharing some data regarding ONS figures on heart failure statistics.
FREE Course: Limited time availability
Mortality Data Review UK
Up to 60% excess heart failure deaths compared to baseline 2015 - 2019!\r
Explaining the possible links to ACE-2 autoimmunity.\r
Data image from Twitter:\r
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2.58 -> okay
4.8 -> I am Dr Philip McMillan .Thank you
for joining me today as I continue
11.22 -> my exploration of research into, not just
covid-19 but the implications of the pandemic,
19.32 -> and I look objectively at all sides of covid-19,
so not just the infection which contributes Spike
26.94 -> protein and can cause autoimmunity, based on
our initial research but also the spike protein,
33.24 -> that exists with regards to vaccination.
What impact can that have in the context
38.58 -> of long-term disease? It's very important when we
look at science that we ensure that we are always
45.96 -> objective in what we are doing, and so what I'm
looking at today, is a heart failure epidemic.
54.72 -> And a heart failure is just simply the fact that
the heart is not able to efficiently pump blood
62.28 -> around the body. Now this is usually something
that comes with very characteristic symptoms,
68.88 -> shortness of breath, swollen legs, limited
exercise tolerance. These are characteristics
76.2 -> that we see in patients with heart failure and
we can oftentimes manage it from the perspective
81.9 -> of using things like diuretics medication,
to reduce the blood pressure, medication to
87.36 -> increase or slow down the heart, so there are
many things we can do with heart failure. But
93.9 -> I think that we're coming into a very important
transition in the pandemic and what I'm trying to
100.68 -> demonstrate here is that we are likely to be seen
far more complicated heart failure in the future.
108.6 -> I've gotten this very interesting image that
was done by someone on Twitter. I've put his
114.42 -> Link in the description called OS, and he's
just somebody who likes to analyze data and
121.74 -> it's very helpful when somebody puts together
data in a way that can make sense. What he has
128.7 -> done here is that he has taken this period,
let me just make it full screen, from 2015,
135.18 -> you may not be able to see it to 2019, it
created this Baseline of zero excess mortality,
143.28 -> and what you can see here is that this dotted line
here represents the COVID cases. So this is the
151.02 -> first wave of the pandemic and all of this data
comes from the UK, and so you can see that there
157.02 -> was some element of increased heart failure above
the Baseline in 2019, but then you had a spike in
165.12 -> relation to the pandemic. It then came back down,
and then it went up again, and then it came down,
172.86 -> and then it has continued to rise. And if you
move across to the peak here, this is over 60
179.7 -> percent increase in excess mortality, and this is
all the way to the end of 2022, and again it has
187.26 -> come down here but one would expect Beyond this
that it was bounce up again and this trajectory
193.68 -> seems to be rising consistently what he's
done as well is he's coloured yellow, meaning
201.66 -> the first dose of vaccination green meaning the
second dose, red meaning the first booster dose,
210.9 -> purple means a fourth dose and this light blue
represents the fifth dose. So a very interesting
218.46 -> breakdown of the data and before I show you
what I think is happening here. I want to give
226.62 -> you some basic understanding about the heart
and so I've got here an image of the heart,
232.8 -> and it's cut through the middle and what you
can see is that you have two sides to the heart
239.1 -> separated by this very big muscular or septum
we call it. So this is the right heart and what
246.66 -> happens is blood comes in from the veins and it
is then pumped from this right ventricle through
253.26 -> the pulmonary valve into the lungs and this is
where the blood gets oxygen. It then comes back
260.52 -> through the pulmonary vein into the left side of
the heart where it is then pumped around the body.
269.88 -> Comes in through this mitral valve and then is
pumped out through the aortic valve which you
274.74 -> can't quite see here. And so the importance of
that is that you have two sides of the heart the
281.04 -> right side and the left side and very often when
we talk about heart failure, we're talking about
287.34 -> left-sided heart failure. That means that the
heart isn't pumping very well, there's a backup
294.06 -> of pressure in the lungs and then that leads to
right-sided heart failure. That's what we call
300.54 -> congestive cardiac failure and so this is just
an image here of the heart in the middle with
306.6 -> the lungs. So just remember the right side pumps
the blood through the lungs it then comes back to
313.14 -> the left side of the heart and it's then pumped
around the body so we'll come back to that in a
318.9 -> little bit. But it's important to understand
those Basics with regards to heart failure
324.6 -> when it comes to understanding what is the cause
of this excess mortality around heart failure.
332.34 -> This is where I then go back to my basics
of research which is around autoimmunity.
339 -> That's what I've been focused on from the start
of the pandemic. Essentially all we said in our
344.82 -> research was that the spike protein here, which is
part of the virus. Each virus viral particle has
352.08 -> multiple Spike proteins, we just said what happens
if ACE2 binds to it, and then it gets picked up by
360.66 -> the immune system. The immune system will think
that this ace2 is part of the spike protein,
366.42 -> and make Autoantibodies to it. And this is exactly
what was found in the research, that there are
374.28 -> Autoantibodies to ace2, and I've always said that
therefore severe covid-19 is an autoimmune disease
382.08 -> triggered by the SARS-COV2 virus. Now just to
make it clear, many people don't agree with that.
389.52 -> They recognize that there are Autoantibodies to
ACE2 but they don't necessarily think that those
396.78 -> Autoantibodies are relevant in in the context
of being the primary cause of disease in severe
403.56 -> COVID-19. So that's just where the scientific
viewpoints differ. I'm holding my ground on this,
409.92 -> because everything that I have seen in the
pandemic can be explained by autoimmunity.
416.52 -> So taking it further, just remember the simple
point I have said that we are going to end up
422.94 -> with autoantibodies to ace2. Guess where they are
concentrated? They are concentrated in the lungs,
430.92 -> especially the blood vessels in the lungs, and
when we make this full screen, you can see here
436.2 -> these little sacks, of alveoli, where the air
comes in, and then it exchanges oxygen and carbon
443.7 -> dioxide. And then it's it's this is how the blood
gets oxygen and how it releases carbon dioxide,
448.98 -> but there are some arteries coming to these
alveoli and they have high levels of ace2
455.64 -> in them and so therefore in the context of both
severe covid-19 and what I predict with regards
464.1 -> to autoimmunity ongoing beyond, that you could
have blockage of these little vessels which will
472.38 -> then increase the pressure on the right side of
the heart. Remember the blood has to come through
479.46 -> the right side, go through this pulmonary artery,
through the lungs. So if the pressure increases in
487.14 -> this, you will then have what we call right-sided
heart failure. The oxygen can't get to the blood
494.64 -> and enough blood can't get through the lungs to
get to the left side. And that's essentially what
501.18 -> I think is going to be happening in the context of
heart failure. So if we go back to this image that
508.26 -> had all the data on it and you can see here these
spikes, now it makes perfect sense that you would
514.62 -> have a spike around a severe covid-19, because
it targets people who have heart failure as well.
520.68 -> And so you would expect that those people would
have died, that drops back down to the Baseline,
526.92 -> and then some people would have had severe damage
to their lungs and probably the blood vessels,
532.68 -> and you have a then a second Spike
that occurs a little bit later on.
538.14 -> But here we move into the area of the
vaccination. Now remember the principle
543.6 -> I've just said, quite simply, if is
to binds to the viral Spike protein
550.56 -> is it possible that it binds to the vaccine
Spike protein. Now it does, because this is
557.58 -> how we knew that the vaccine Spike protein was the
correct formulation and shape because it bound to
564.12 -> free ACE2 with the tests, so absolutely it does.
Is it possible that you can get an autoimmune
570.72 -> response? Based on my research and extrapolation,
I would think so. So let's get back to the image
577.74 -> and therefore this is now the same image that I
have concentrated down to the pandemic period,
584.46 -> and what you can see here, is that once you hit
these two periods where you have the first and
591.54 -> the second dose heart failure does seem to rise
it comes down a bit and then it continues to
599.04 -> rise again after the third dose. Now some people
may say this is purely coincidental. It may be,
607.5 -> I can't say for absolute certainty, that this
is relevant. But in the context of science,
613.74 -> what you don't do is discount an observation. You
need to make sure that it is not directly relevant
621.36 -> and based on what I said about autoimmunity, if
this occurs in a small proportion of patients,
628.62 -> you have to remember that we're dealing
with small numbers of patients, that causes
633.42 -> significant rises in excess mortality, what I
find happens is as soon as you talk about this,
638.58 -> everyone imagines that it's their problem. No!
When you look at a population of a million people,
645.36 -> even small percentages make a big difference to
the pressure on Hospital Systems. Excess deaths,
652.98 -> and that's how this fits in. It's very very
important for us to look at these things
659.58 -> and to try and understand them and acknowledge
them. If they are relevant because if we don't
665.94 -> the outcomes of, that could be disastrous.
Remember this here is the pulmonary artery,
674.52 -> what I essentially am saying is that the
pressure in this pulmonary artery because of
680.58 -> this autoimmune process which can occur either
because of infection or potentially because of
686.22 -> vaccination. You can then end up with higher
pressures here, leading to right-sided heart
692.88 -> failure. That's the bit that I want us to look at
from a research point of view. Prove that point,
700.14 -> let's check. And see, the difficulty with
right-sided heart failure is because it's
705.3 -> very difficult to treat. Left-sided failure or
and congestive cardiac failure, we have lots of
711.9 -> drugs that we can use to help to manage it. But a
right-sided heart failure, secondary to pulmonary
718.44 -> hypertension is extremely difficult to manage, and
that's why it's so important for us to therefore
726.18 -> understand exactly what could be occurring. As
usual, I'm trying to challenge the science here. I
734.7 -> can't say for certain that this is occurring, but
this is certainly what I would expect based on my
741.42 -> research around ace2 autoimmunity. If you want to
keep up to date with it, please remember join me
748.26 -> on Substack and I hope you found this valuable
and something that we can push forward to try
754.98 -> and get some clarification on to see if this is
correct. Have a good evening [Music] thank you
777.08 -> [Music]
778.08 -> foreign [Music]
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UHoiePQPLE