Welcome to Happy Healthy Homo! | S1 E1

Welcome to Happy Healthy Homo! | S1 E1

Welcome to Happy Healthy Homo! | S1 E1

Welcome to Happy Healthy Homo! A brand new filmed podcast hosted by Keegan Hirst and Joel Wood. Please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, it’d really help us out: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast

Write to us: [email protected]

Instagram: @happyhealthyhomo
TikTok: @happyhealthyhomo
Twitter: @happyhealthyhomo


3.78 -> hello and welcome to happy healthy homo hello  I'm Keegan and I'm Joel yes you are and he's my  
11.1 -> boyfriend I'm his boyfriend he is and yeah I mean  everyone watching this currently already knows  
16.62 -> who we are I feel like we don't need to intro it  but it's good to have an intro isn't it yeah it's  
21.96 -> because of an intro definitely when we finally  revealed the name of of the project that we've  
26.34 -> been working on yeah this is our project our  podcast happy healthy homo I mean the clue is  
32.88 -> in the title yeah we just got asked arriving at  the studio oh what's the podcast about and we're  
37.68 -> both like and couldn't describe it but actually  the title of it describes it doesn't it yeah Ace  
45.18 -> I think we've become uh the conversations  that we've had we've become very aware that  
51.96 -> there's lots of people who are lots of gay men  particularly like disillusioned with the gay  
58.56 -> community yeah and I don't know why I did that uh  with the gay community gay community yeah right  
66.72 -> um with the gay community and and uh the  the Norms now they are appropriate because  
72.06 -> they're not necessarily normal yeah you know and  standards and the hypocrisy of it as well you know  
79.5 -> of of how discriminatory it is how exclusive it  can be when it talks about being inclusive and  
86.22 -> welcoming to all yeah um and we've put a lot of  content about that out lately aren't we and it's  
92.4 -> been getting a lot of traction we thought you  know what there's something here and because we  
98.4 -> don't subscribe to a lot of stuff that's viewed  as the normal behavior or what's going on and we  
105.42 -> thought well you know maybe there can be another  narrative maybe they can be another a voice of  
110.7 -> a reason yeah definitely we hate it when people  think that there is a certain way to be gay yeah  
116.94 -> and oh you're gay that means you have to go out  partying every weekend that means you have to take  
121.62 -> loads of drugs that means you have to be really  promiscuous and sleep around it means or whatever  
125.7 -> it might not even be as serious yeah but you love  musicals I mean obviously you love drag queens
131.4 -> yes you do you love drivers you've got  drag queen fatigue yeah it hasn't everyone
138.84 -> but yeah so these this idea that there's a set  way to live behave relationships you know all  
151.44 -> this stuff that's now Perpetual oh yeah people  aren't popping on about is open relationships  
155.82 -> I know I'm all right thanks yeah um and I will  save that for another episode yeah that can be  
161.76 -> another episode so the the challenge for us is  like how do we structure this this podcast in a  
168.12 -> way where we can address different issues in each  episode um so you guys can help with that you can  
173.52 -> obviously email us we've got an email address  yeah hello at happyhealthyhomo.com so you can  
180.3 -> email us your ideas and things like that and we  are all over the socials as well yeah while we're  
185.58 -> on Instagram Tick Tock happy healthy homo yeah  on all of those as well as our personal pages  
190.68 -> but just to snowball on what you've said as well  obviously we make videos on YouTube I'm a YouTuber  
197.4 -> have been for years you are a YouTuber uh it's  not a thing have you just made that up yeah I  
203.64 -> like that it's good in it you're a YouTuber I'm  a YouTuber um but people we get lots of comments  
209.28 -> going this is amazing like this is like you guys  are just normal and again we have a weird view  
216.12 -> of like I don't really like to say normal yeah we  don't I don't really we've actually yeah we've had  
220.8 -> discussions about the word normal haven't we John  we have and we will have more discussions about  
224.58 -> that because I love seeing normal Keegan hates I'm  not a fan of the word normal but people are like  
229.26 -> oh my gosh you two are just two regular guys and  you never see this and of all the gay vloggers on  
234.12 -> there you two are the most real and it's not that  we're trying to be sorry this sounds like such a  
239.28 -> humble break not that we've tried but I'm like  no a lot of gay relationships are like this it's  
245.52 -> just the the ones that get the most attention  and the ones that shout the loudest yeah tend  
249.78 -> to be the most extremes yeah and not many people  can relate to those extremes and then think that  
255.84 -> that is the the standard that is the expectation  and then I as as gay men and not every not again  
265.02 -> not generalizing at all points not generalizing  but for a lot of gay men and for what I do is  
270.9 -> you know coaching in particular gay guys  yeah that I will our lived experience is  
279.48 -> unique to us as a community you know we don't  share our minority status with our parents we  
287.46 -> there's there's a lot of Shame and um you  know over the over the like generational  
297.9 -> shame that's kind of come down through you  know there's the generation that grew grew  
302.1 -> up through through the AIDS epidemic you know  growing up through the 90s through Section 28  
309.42 -> um you know every everything that's that's going  on now with laws been repealed does a gay but Bill  
315.42 -> in America chechnya you know all these things  going on across the world that you know it's  
321.42 -> still illegal in countries across the world and  punishable by death to be to be gay you know there  
329.58 -> there is a lot tied in with how you are born yeah  right and again that again that's I think you're  
335.22 -> born geared I think you get to choose yeah because  I know from my experience and from a lot of  
339.66 -> people's experience originally I would have chosen  not to Big Air yeah now I love being here yeah  
346.32 -> like I'm very comfortable in my own skin now but  once upon a time that was not the case and I think  
351 -> our lived expert so we do talk to each other for  help the gay community is important yeah and it's  
357.18 -> important that it's supportive and it's helpful  and it's Progressive and that doesn't mean that it  
364.08 -> has to be you know holy than thou no and because  you know we can go and do what we want to do but  
371.22 -> I think the the idea that there's a one-size-fits  all in any Walk of Life yeah is preposterous yeah  
379.56 -> but it's so easy to get blindsided that especially  with social media yeah you know especially when  
385.02 -> you follow you page or your search page on  Instagram is just full of these idealistic yeah  
391.8 -> um you know couples who look like they carved out  a granite and they think they've got it all yeah  
395.82 -> it's really easy to look at someone go I'm not  that yeah I ain't got that well that's the bias  
400.38 -> as well of social media platforms themselves  that the algorithm you know the meme where it  
404.7 -> says like long that it took me 10 years to work  out I was gay and it took Tick Tock all of three  
409.62 -> seconds yeah but like as soon as the algorithm on  tick tock is like oh this is a gay guy suddenly  
416.22 -> on for you Pages full of topless guys dancing  and these yeah as if that's what you want to  
420.6 -> see and like obviously we can all admire a nice  body where it's like I also have other interests  
425.88 -> yeah but this is the thing right the algorithm  brings up what people want yeah and that's why  
432.84 -> you train it and that's why yeah but it's always  that's why it's always full of people who are in  
438.48 -> great shape because whether you're straight  a gear anything else man woman anybody else  
445.2 -> everybody wants to look and feel good not to  post everywhere everybody wants to be healthy  
450.54 -> that is like an aspirational thing for everybody  so that's why it comes up a lot and that's why  
455.58 -> it gets pushed on the algorithm and yeah but  I think we're probably not going to change  
461.4 -> that no I don't think you know because these  social media Giants are gonna that's how they  
467.52 -> work for sure but what we what we I think what  we want to do certainly with this podcast is  
473.58 -> maybe maybe you know 10x thinking yeah um is help  we should have just explained that by the way 10x  
482.34 -> thinking I learned at YouTube where they were  like 10x thinking is what they used to discover  
488.46 -> new products that they Google can make and it's  like think of an idea and times it by 10 and  
493.62 -> they're like you're never saying no to an idea  even if it's stupid yeah like you just say it  
498.36 -> as even yeah even if it's so grandiose yes it's  like Preposterous yeah you could but you just go  
504.24 -> yeah yeah you know the this podcast could be  uh revolutionary and it could but I you know  
512.34 -> I mean that would be amazing but yeah as a  minimum what I'd love it to do is to start people  
519.18 -> thinking that there's a there's an alternative  yeah rather than measuring success in how many  
526.68 -> albums you can see yeah and how many you  know grinder hookups you can get or how many  
534.48 -> um how much even how you know how much money you  earn that is oh it's on so you know deeper more  
541.56 -> meaningful metrics yeah you know your health your  well-being your connections your friendships your  
550.86 -> what you do within a community whether that's the  gay community whether that's your local community  
555.18 -> your gamer and makes you get whatever it is yeah  you know that's the it's I feel like social media  
565.26 -> is so good and it's I'm I'm I do think it's a  Force for good and obviously it can be a bit of  
572.7 -> a double-edged sword but I think it it what it has  done which is a real bad thing is that it's taken  
580.32 -> away new new ones and people think that something  is this or it's this yeah it's black or it's what  
587.46 -> the two things can't be true at the same time it's  either my thing is true or your thing is true and  
592.74 -> everything is like a zero-sum game I I win you  lose and yeah it doesn't have to be like that  
597.24 -> we can all win there's lots of you know abundance  mindset there's lots of stuff to go around yeah  
603.72 -> and I think it's I think people need reminding  of that yeah I think people need reminding that  
609.96 -> there's not like we said earlier one size fits are  one way to do things well particularly as new gays  
616.56 -> or people that have newly come out and come into  terms with their sexuality they're navigating the  
620.22 -> gay world and when I say it begins baby gays but  as we say that you think of like a 16 year old  
627.42 -> who's just come out but from your experience with  ptiq there are a lot of older guys that came out  
632.7 -> I mean me and you came out in our late 20s yeah um  and there are guys out there who are still coming  
638.1 -> out into their 50s 60s yeah I've had clients  who've come out in their 50s and 60s their 40s  
643.5 -> and it's those people that I've had conversations  with some of them you have to like in our life not  
648.42 -> just ptiq members but where people have gone like  I just don't know where I fit because I'm I'm old  
655.2 -> or older because I'm not in shape because I don't  have a lot of money because I'm I'm not that like  
660.78 -> I'm not a big personality or I'm not they give  themselves all these excuses because they think  
665.34 -> they need all the things yeah in order to fit  in and so I feel like this podcast is just us  
670.68 -> providing an alternative to go you don't need  to do that well it's yeah it's challenging those  
675.36 -> narratives that like age like yeah is there a  community more ages than the gecko unit if you're  
682.08 -> over 35 you might as well be dead yeah um and if  you're single and 35 then you'd you're done but  
690.54 -> I mean I just find it I I maybe this is because  I'm like a big history geek and I'm like learning  
696.9 -> about the past but there's X there's so these  men who are in their 40s 50s 60s 70s have gone  
706.38 -> through so much obviously in the world the world  has changed but yeah the the society at large has  
713.46 -> changed so much uh attitudes towards gay people a  lot even laws around you know if you're 70 years  
719.76 -> old you will have lived through in the UK you  will have lived through the decriminalization  
724.56 -> of homosexuality yeah you will have you know  might have been around for the wolfenden report  
729.24 -> you might have um you there when section 28  was launched by Thatcher in 88 you were that  
736.14 -> was very good I only know that because it's  the same year as my birth when I was born  
740.76 -> um he's 35. yeah he's dead and you know there's  all the the AIDS epidemic all these things that  
752.58 -> have you know first prize and things like  that these are people that we should be going
757.38 -> because even as you said that I feel now  imposter syndrome of going how am I I'm  
768.54 -> 31 you're 35. with how are we qualified  to be doing this podcast but I know that  
773.94 -> the alternative then is that this podcast  doesn't get made yeah so we've had to fight  
778.62 -> those battles in our own head of going no no  we have got something to say we're also not  
782.7 -> perfect and we're not necessarily saying  that what we're saying is the right way
789.66 -> um is the right way we're just offering an  alternative 100 yeah and we will call out what  
795.06 -> we believe to be unhealthy behaviors and there  will be some that gays out there that go I don't  
799.08 -> think that's unhealthy so we might ruffle a few  feathers feathers feathers in it bro yeah yeah  
807.3 -> exactly we that was a conversation we had about  starting this podcast was can we do this yeah  
814.8 -> are we qualified but who who who is qualified and  yeah you know for for me I know that once people  
823.26 -> start watching this and people start getting  in touch with us and talking about this or even  
826.92 -> challenging things that we've said so that then it  gives us another perspective on it yeah you know  
831.78 -> I'm sure that this will be a learning process for  us as well and something that you know we we might  
837.36 -> have thought that we were really yeah figured out  yeah and then you go well maybe that not be and I  
843.84 -> mean again that probably is a thing if you think  you've got something completely figured out you're  
847.2 -> probably gonna get a bit in the backside aren't  you but but we all have those firm beliefs we've  
852.3 -> I feel everyone has some beliefs that they hold  like very firmly and other people ha and then we  
857.7 -> also have beliefs that are a bit more malleable  so I feel like we'll be honest when there are  
862.92 -> things where we go this is what I think I could be  wrong and maybe but there will also be times where  
868.8 -> I'm just like I I this is a hill I will die on I  do not think that's healthy and I don't care if  
874.86 -> someone's offended by that because actually I'm  so passionate about providing this alternative  
881.46 -> we hate lifestyle no but I'm just saying I feel  passionate about standing up for my community  
887.46 -> which is the gays that go I don't fit in with  with the gays I don't want to go out partying  
892.68 -> I don't want to be in an open relationship I  don't want to just spend a million dollars on my  
897.06 -> body stuffing it full of filler and like chiseled  abs and all these things I mean I would like just  
902.16 -> to be honest well nobody's gonna say no tomorrow  but do you know it's not the be-all and end all  
906.48 -> is what we're saying there that that's the hill I  will die on because I'm like well I'd rather give  
909.78 -> a voice to these people than like the popular  kids in the gay community yeah we're taking  
916.68 -> taking back control we're taking back we're going  to the back of the bus this is a revolution and  
921.48 -> we're kicking the cool kids yeah you've you've  not done a good job now we're moving you on you  
926.58 -> haven't you've not created a healthy environment  for your community it's all old hands let's all  
931.98 -> hold let's bake a cake with smiles and sunshine  gays do love bacon is banana bread banana bread  
939 -> yeah guys and banana bread okay that was a thing  in lockdown yeah well I thought everyone made  
943.02 -> banana bread in lockdown I didn't you didn't  no I meant sourdough uh classic it's okay  
949.68 -> um it was easy because there's no yeast yeah  you've got the air bubbles in it yeah we've  
956.04 -> digressed yeah sourdough guys well that's what you  can expect as well just little little tangents as  
964.26 -> well about sourdough sometimes yeah I think  sourdough is over yeah I'm willing to die
973.2 -> so Keegan is there a topic that you're excited to  cover in a upcoming episode of happy healthy Homer  
981.24 -> I don't know I don't know about excited I think  or passionate about particularly well obviously  
987.36 -> health and and uh body image and beauty standards  things like that I am I am passionate about that  
995.52 -> yeah um health is wealth well but it is and it  you know I I am passionate about that and I think  
1002.48 -> there's a lot of I think it carries with it a lot  of again it carries with it a lot of Shame people  
1008.66 -> can often feel embarrassed about their body are  not living up to a particular standard and I think  
1014.36 -> um we need to take that away as as a coach yeah  that's what I try to do but also as someone who  
1022.58 -> puts out content into the world yeah you know is  to try and the the aim of me putting something  
1029.78 -> out into the world I I believe rightly or  wrongly is to is to make the world a better  
1035.06 -> place is to add something to somebody I would  hate for someone to watch my content and go  
1041.48 -> that's made me feel [ __ ] I suppose sometimes  what triggers you as your therapist and sometimes  
1048.02 -> that's something that you need to lean into  but that I'm I'm I'm passionate about that I am  
1054.38 -> trepidatious I love that word thank you  I'm trepidatious uh about I just think  
1062.24 -> some of the conversations will there'll be  I can just I can see the comments already  
1066.68 -> uh the ruffling of the feathers I think  relationships will be a Hot Topic it will be  
1072.5 -> um and those are the topics I'm looking forward to  is like dating and relationships I mean you're an  
1080.42 -> expert on Dean and so I'm also looking forward  to hearing about Jill's uh dating experience I  
1086.18 -> just took it very seriously and I I mean we we  came from different backgrounds of you've been  
1092.06 -> slightly more of a relationship guy obviously  you've been on dates and you have been single  
1096.98 -> occasionally but it's like you've been more on the  relationship side and I've been more on The Dating  
1102.26 -> side so we've come from different angles so I  think that will be interesting to discuss but  
1106.34 -> you're right it will trigger people or ruffle  some feathers but I don't at this juncture I'm  
1113.54 -> like I don't really because I again know that  I'm in the right and I could be wrong we are in  
1120.2 -> the right as in it's in line with your how are  you feeling things that's not to say that it's  
1126.38 -> not right for somebody else but yeah but it's  when that is forced on people so I'll give you  
1132.38 -> an example and maybe this is spilling too much  tea immediately and I feel like I get cancer  
1136.46 -> but I was on another podcast a few years ago uh  with gay guys there was four of us and I was the  
1143.12 -> new one and in the first season I wasn't in the  first season I was in the second season and in  
1147.56 -> the first season I was just a fan a listener and  they had someone on that basically said that gay  
1154.58 -> people there is no place for a gay person with  monogamous relationships monogamy was designed  
1159.62 -> for straight people and gay people shouldn't be  monogamous and all of the hosts all four of them  
1166.7 -> were like yeah yeah even though now I know them  all of them are monogamous and they all sat there  
1171.86 -> were like yeah no that's true and and I said to  them when I was in the studio I was like the only  
1176.48 -> episode I had an issue with was that one why did  none of you challenge him why didn't any of you  
1180.32 -> go oh really like I don't believe that and no one  did and I'm like I am willing to be someone who  
1187.64 -> challenges people because even though I don't like  confrontation if I'm passionate about something  
1192.5 -> confrontation so um yeah I mean you've seen it  if I get a beam up on it um in fact it happened  
1201.8 -> once where I put someone in their place and then  Keegan took me aside and went that was really hot  
1206 -> I've never seen you do that before do you  remember what it was no I have to tell you  
1212.66 -> it was early doors early doors with us but  anyway so um it's something like that I'm  
1218.18 -> like I'm not just gonna let that slide  again I'm not gonna like censor someone  
1221.66 -> if if someone wants to come on and talk  about monogamy and how it's not for gay  
1225.8 -> people then yeah we're willing to ever enough  yeah we're open to conversation we're open to  
1230.54 -> conversations but I'm also happy to sit here  and go you're wrong yeah we're not fascists
1237.98 -> we're not again it's not about trying to  impose a certain way of doing things on  
1249.62 -> on other people it's just about saying well that's  one way of doing it yeah this is another way and  
1254.84 -> there's going to be a million other ways or just  make informed decisions that's what people don't  
1260.42 -> do they say they want to tick tock and they go  oh someone who's got a million he's got a million  
1266.66 -> likes said I should be in an open relationship and  he's fit so I believe him and I'm going to do that  
1272.66 -> and don't like not another thought goes through  the red and then six months down the line they've  
1278.84 -> been pursuing it's something that's not actually  in line with their values and their beliefs and  
1284 -> then there's this Distortion of I don't I don't  feel like I whenever you don't feel like you're  
1289.52 -> fitting it's because you're not acting in  line with your value yeah you're not yeah  
1293.72 -> you're not being true to yourself whether it's  to your values to your morals to your beliefs to  
1297.74 -> whatever you know a big thing and I I find like  the whole chem sex thing scene culture I think  
1308.42 -> it's really destructive and I think especially for  a community where sex growing up can be so taboo  
1315.08 -> you know hiding and you know people and then  you go to do something sex should be something  
1321.86 -> that you enjoy and present for and present for  yeah like mentally present as well as physically  
1326.72 -> you kind of need to be physically present yeah  uh well Zoom uh yeah you know that people are  
1335.36 -> told that this is you need to get off your head  and you need to sleep with x amount of people in  
1339.38 -> one night and maybe not recall it and consent is  blurred and if you if sex should be three things  
1347.42 -> it should be it should be consensual it should  be safe and it should make you feel good and I  
1355.7 -> don't feel like cam sex is taking all those boxes  well yeah that would be a really big topic it's  
1360.08 -> not something I know anything about so it'll be  interesting to maybe we'll even get someone on who  
1365.96 -> who knows a bit about the destructiveness of it  yeah but yeah awesome one was an advocate for it
1375.44 -> well that is what you can expect from this podcast  guys I hope that that was a detailed enough  
1380.24 -> introduction to what happy healthy homo is we're  also hoping to get a website up and running yeah  
1385.64 -> I mean we have the domains and no one go out there  and try and steal it we've already got it yeah but  
1389.84 -> it'd be great to have a hub yeah exactly that's  what we want to do we want to create a hub where  
1394.64 -> you know we want to promote gay businesses and  you know if people want to Source something that's  
1402.62 -> you know we might have Gale holiday destinations  advertised on there or like say gear businesses or  
1410.36 -> um guest sports teams or you know things like  that where people can go yeah I can find the  
1415.88 -> things that I need it's all in one place it's  legit and you know you're being directly linked  
1422.24 -> with people from your community yeah who  I suppose if you're watching happy healthy  
1427.22 -> homie you have similar values beliefs you know  you you you're on the same similar page to us  
1433.82 -> and hopefully those people will be as well  and we can um connect people life is about  
1438.68 -> people and it isn't it we just want to be  happy we want to be healthy and we want to  
1443.42 -> be homeless oh yeah I actually I wanted to  say the the reason that because when we came  
1448.34 -> up with a title Joel said happy healthy and  homo and I said to drop the and yeah because  
1457.82 -> when I grew up I I found it really difficult  to be a rugby player and obviously I was gay  
1463.16 -> but I was in denial about being gay um because  I didn't think they could both exist at the same  
1468.44 -> time yeah and I think there's a lot of people  out there who don't think who don't think that  
1472.64 -> you can be gay yeah and you can be healthy and  happier when I have had that from my Christian  
1476.54 -> yeah exactly as well so we've had that on both  sides that would be interesting to unpack as  
1481.34 -> well yeah so that's why it's called healthy  happy homo because you can be a healthy Homer  
1487.88 -> you just said healthy happy which was also another  discussion I was like happy has to come first oh  
1492.56 -> yeah happy happy with our health yeah um although  you could argue that health is having anywhere  
1499.04 -> um but yeah happy healthy homework because you can  be all three things yeah and they do not have to  
1504.26 -> be separate from each other they don't have to be  in only one area of your life you know as someone  
1510.2 -> who's gone from considering taking their own  life at the thought of being gay too now doing  
1516.92 -> a podcast about being gay and happy and healthy  yeah I feel like I've come on a very long journey  
1522.92 -> so that is why I feel qualified that's hardly  about it definitely and you can just stick at  
1527.12 -> IMA in front of it I mean if you are a gay man I  can see the t-shirts already I'm a health happy  
1532.64 -> healthy homo see I nearly got the name wrong again  yeah t-shirts t-shirts t-shirts Speedos match more  
1539.42 -> people don't like people say you you've got to  wear Speedos you don't have to SP you don't have  
1543.26 -> to be the keto keto Keegan loves the speedo keto  that's her name wear Speedos because I wear them  
1549.74 -> under my Rugby kit to keep everything in place  I think jock straps are weird yeah anyway good  
1555.98 -> diagrams anyway guys thank you for watching we are  on YouTube you might be watching this on YouTube  
1561.2 -> right now uh we're on Spotify Apple podcast  anyway anywhere you listen to podcasts if you  
1566.12 -> could give us a rating on wherever you get your  podcast reviews ratings comments shares like you  
1572.66 -> uh social media Savvy people you know what you're  doing yeah like do the subscribing the liking the  
1578.72 -> sharing would help us out yeah a rating next time  for uh for an episode should I tell them what the  
1584.36 -> next episode is going to be just so they can get  real excited um it's gonna be on body image shock  
1591.92 -> shock what we thought start strong is something  we've both had experiences with but particularly  
1597.8 -> you because you are coach I am and you work with  people day in day out who want to change their  
1604.46 -> relationship to themselves and their body and  improve their health absolutely anyway absolutely
1612.38 -> oh my gosh bye bye [Music]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1noAEQDToQk