What causes ischemic stroke and how to treat

What causes ischemic stroke and how to treat

What causes ischemic stroke and how to treat

Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. They occur as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. Learn about treatment options in Columbia, South Carolina from Prisma Health Chief of Neurosurgery Roham Moftakhar, MD.


0 -> [Music]
9.84 -> when someone has an
11.12 -> ischemic stroke what ends up happening
13.679 -> is that there is a part of the brain
15.92 -> that's not getting enough blood flow
18.8 -> there are parts of the brain that are
20.32 -> silent meaning that someone has
22.4 -> is having a stroke and they will never
24.32 -> know it they might find out later on
26.32 -> because we do some sort of a scan of
28.08 -> their brain ischemic strokes
30 -> they can come from the heart and we move
33.52 -> from the heart all the way up into the
35.44 -> brain so in the heart
37.12 -> there could be a abnormal arrhythmia and
40.719 -> atrial fibrillation for instance some
42.64 -> folks have that condition
44.16 -> where the heart is not regularly beating
47.2 -> it's in a rhythmic way and what can
50.079 -> happen is that blood flow
52.079 -> has a irregularity and turbulence to it
55.12 -> and clot forms and when the clot forms
57.76 -> it can get lodged into the brain
60 -> and that clot causes a
63.28 -> lack of blood flow to that part of the
65.04 -> brain causing the
67.2 -> damage to that part called the ischemic
69.52 -> stroke
70.24 -> now let's move from the heart to the
72.159 -> neck your neck has different blood
74.24 -> vessels one of them being the carotid
76.08 -> artery
76.88 -> vertebral arteries on the back the
78.96 -> carotid arteries sometimes can get
81.439 -> plaque buildup cholesterol buildup and
84.479 -> when they get narrow enough the blood
86.88 -> flow doesn't have a really
88.32 -> smooth way of getting through it there's
90.56 -> a lot of irregularity there's a lot of
92.56 -> turbulence
93.6 -> and when that happens again the blood
96.079 -> can clump together
97.68 -> and it can be sent into the brain
100.079 -> causing the blockage of the artery into
102.399 -> the brain
103.36 -> now we move up one step higher now there
106.32 -> could be a problem in the brain blood
108.079 -> vessels
108.88 -> in the brain blood vessels you can have
110.72 -> narrowing in the blood vessel
112.56 -> and when you have narrowing the blood
113.92 -> vessel again the same phenomena
115.84 -> of clumping of the blood together
119.04 -> blockage of the artery and not enough
120.96 -> blood flow to the brain
123.92 -> if someone's having a stroke their face
126.479 -> could be involved so you might see that
128.319 -> your face is drooping
129.84 -> it could be that the arms are not
132 -> working well so
133.44 -> most of the strokes are on one side of
135.36 -> the body where
136.56 -> there could be a drooping of the side it
138.959 -> could be heaviness
140.239 -> numbness tingling now i want to say that
142.72 -> there are
143.36 -> strokes that involve both sides of the
145.36 -> body but that's a little bit less
147.84 -> common people can have a problem with
150.56 -> speech production
152.08 -> meaning that they're trying to talk but
154 -> they're not able to get their wards out
156.08 -> they're trying to understand but they're
158.08 -> not understanding other people
160.08 -> so that's called aphasia that's a
161.84 -> technical word for it your doctor might
163.68 -> talk about that
164.8 -> so speech problems are the other things
167.519 -> the
168.239 -> last thing that can happen is numbness
170.879 -> tingling of the hands
172.4 -> those things also might happen the
175.12 -> treatment options for ischemic stroke
177.519 -> have advanced quite a bit even in the
179.76 -> last six months to a year
182.159 -> the next step in evolution of stroke
184.72 -> therapy was
185.68 -> a clot busting medication and it's
189.12 -> called tpa
190.319 -> tissue plasminogen activator this is a
192.8 -> fda-approved medication
194.64 -> it's given through the intravenous route
196.959 -> and it's administered
198.159 -> in the hospital the success rate of
201.2 -> this tpa or tissue plasma engine
203.28 -> activator
204.64 -> is pretty decent but on the order of
207.68 -> about
208.239 -> anywhere between 20 and below
211.84 -> this is a good option for patients who
214.239 -> are having a stroke
215.92 -> to get to the hospital as soon as
217.68 -> possible in order to hopefully
219.92 -> qualify to get this medication not
222.4 -> everyone can get it
223.519 -> because there are criteria in terms of
226.159 -> when did you arrive
227.68 -> to the hospital because we can't give it
229.68 -> after a certain period of time
231.2 -> how big is the stroke already but the
233.439 -> point is the sooner the patient gets to
235.76 -> the hospital the better
237.12 -> the newer technology that we have or the
239.519 -> newer methods that we have
240.959 -> are through an endovascular approach
243.2 -> where
244 -> we actually gain access to the blood
245.92 -> vessel through the femoral artery
248.08 -> under x-ray technology we go through and
251.519 -> we are able to locate the area where the
253.92 -> blockage is happening
255.599 -> and try to extract or take out that
258.32 -> blood clot from the blood vessel
260.479 -> to reestablish the blood flow into the
262.8 -> brain again
263.68 -> that method has been really shown to be
266.8 -> the most effective
268.32 -> and that makes sense is that if you
270.32 -> re-establish blood flow to a part of the
272.32 -> brain that's starving for blood
274.639 -> that has the highest chance of someone
276.96 -> making ultimate recovery
278.56 -> we offer that 24 7
281.759 -> we have a whole dedicated team who is on
284.32 -> call at all times
286 -> so we were able to serve those patients
299.93 -> [Music]
304.08 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k_PCpsvrtc