After Stroke/CVA; Walking & Balance Exercises at Home
After Stroke/CVA; Walking & Balance Exercises at Home
After Stroke/CVA; Walking \u0026 Balance Exercises at Home
Bob and Brad demonstrate walking and balance exercises you can do at home following a stroke/CVA. Note: You will likely need assistance to complete these exercises.
This week’s giveaway: We are giving away a SleepOvation Mattress!
ALERT: SleepOvation is offering a $450 discount on all their mattresses for Bob and Brad’s viewers.
Remember if you order a mattress now AND you end up winning a mattress SleepOvation will reimburse your purchase. No need to hold off on purchasing Bob and Brad’s favorite mattress!!
Interested in learning about the products mentioned in today’s video: 1) Booyah Stik by Bob and Brad:
Update The Bob \u0026 Brad Workout Wall Anchors are currently available on our website. Order now and get a bonus anchor (for a total of 4)! Order here:
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0.03 -> Bob and Brad the two most famous
4.04 -> physical therapist on the Internet
8.119 -> [Music]
11.94 -> hi folks I'm Bob short physical
14.2 -> therapist for a tiny physical therapist
15.91 -> we are the most famous physical
17.08 -> therapists on the Internet and our
18.37 -> opinion of course Bob yeah after stroke
20.59 -> or CVA which is cerebral vascular
23.05 -> accident sir we're gonna show you
24.76 -> walking and balance exercises you can do
26.8 -> at home very important right falling is
29.2 -> can be very harmful as we know abroad as
32.92 -> well as just returning back to a normal
34.75 -> walking pattern that you'd like to have
37.02 -> so and this is not just for stroke or
40.12 -> CVA it could be anybody who has a
41.47 -> balance issue they would are that as
42.969 -> well all right if you're new to our
44.35 -> Channel please take a second to
45.43 -> subscribe to us because we provide
46.96 -> videos how to stay a healthy fit
48.25 -> pain-free and we upload everyday also
50.23 -> you're gonna want to join us on our
51.219 -> social media channels because we are
53.199 -> always giving something away every week
55.03 -> and this week what is a brad hint oh the
58.269 -> sleep ovation mattress yes and this is
60.46 -> it right here a sampling of it this is a
62.71 -> lot bigger than this they're their
64.18 -> standard sizes yeah but it's got seven
66.19 -> hundred tiny mattresses very comfortable
68.62 -> very good for pain relief and so it's
70.69 -> got the air channels here to help cool
72.34 -> the mattress down a little bit right yep
74.32 -> very unique all right Bob and Brad calm
77.409 -> oh and go to the giveaway section and
79.6 -> also Facebook right Bob around 10:00 on
82.38 -> the top of the page yep I mean it's not
85.03 -> a real pin it's a picture of a pin
86.89 -> that's right yeah so anyways we'll get
88.899 -> to the balanced and exercise this is
91.329 -> something that it cost very little to do
93.97 -> and I think it's well worth it is to
95.649 -> what I did is I went to Menards which is
98.95 -> a place that sells a big box store and I
102.939 -> just used little these are little wooden
104.74 -> white flat they're made for trim and I
107.38 -> cost me about $4 to get a 8-feet piece
110.11 -> of it and I cut them into two feet legs
112.36 -> seems like that yeah what does that like
114.67 -> a plastic plastic yeah thanks strips of
117.189 -> wood then I took some pink tape and put
118.96 -> it on theirs for our visuals so you have
120.46 -> a clear visual of heaven I did made four
124.479 -> of them like I said about two feet long
126.28 -> 20 inches or so it's not that critical
128.52 -> and I have them down end to end here
131.98 -> right now sort of a straight line for
133.6 -> this is our first balance and gait
135.37 -> exercise so and now what you're going to
138.7 -> do is if you've had a stroke or you're
141.129 -> the person
142.66 -> needs to exercise get a gait belt and
146.2 -> you're gonna meet another person safety
148.27 -> first right all means here and you want
150.67 -> to make sure that person was with you
152.8 -> does have a hand on the gate belt right
155.32 -> don't just don't practice these by
157.48 -> yourself because they're gonna challenge
159.37 -> your your that's the idea exactly can
162.97 -> cause you to fall right so this first
164.68 -> one we have a straight line you could
166.69 -> just use lying on the floor you don't
167.92 -> have to use the little icon hurdles if
170.59 -> you're having a problem with one foot
172.51 -> crossing in front or cross from the
175.93 -> midline that's a really big trip less
177.88 -> arraignment yeah big trip hazard
180.4 -> you're gonna have your cane with you
182.14 -> because I'm assuming you may not need it
184.12 -> but I would have you start with a cane
185.68 -> for sure your helper is gonna get a hold
188.74 -> of that belt and that gives you a really
191.26 -> visual cue now if you had a stroke you
193.48 -> realize that you kind of sometimes they
195.73 -> Glock things but a bright color can
198.55 -> bring that attention and it's gonna help
200.29 -> and then you're just gonna walk see how
202.66 -> that's gonna help you cue into the fact
204.88 -> that you don't want to cross the leg
206.29 -> over and if you cross it you can you
208.93 -> screwed up the line so you need to get
210.67 -> it back in place and that's what you
212.83 -> want to avoid and now the thing you can
216.43 -> do here is once you feel good going
218.02 -> straight you can always go backwards
219.61 -> sure you can't see what's behind you and
222.19 -> that forces your proprioception to go to
225.52 -> town and don't work yeah get that
227.56 -> working back like that work on the
230.68 -> posture and the person with reminders
232.93 -> look where you're doing check your
234.58 -> posture out so you're working together
236.2 -> all the time okay let's go to the second
238.78 -> one okay let go Bob that's right now
242.08 -> this one we're gonna do it let's do it
245.5 -> this way Bob there can you put that one
247.9 -> right there yep so you just place them
250.48 -> this way there's so many things you can
252.82 -> do uh such simple tools like these
255.58 -> little hurdles made out of cheap and if
258.489 -> you look right next to it this is why
259.959 -> you really don't want to put tape on the
261.22 -> floor cuz that tape never ever comes up
262.9 -> again yeah
265.18 -> that's what's nice about these I don't
267.25 -> have to ruin your floor and they give
269.77 -> you feedback if your feet don't come up
272.169 -> high enough if you don't if you come
274.24 -> like that in you Chris
275.67 -> you made it you know exactly that you
277.62 -> didn't clear the floor right exactly so
279.84 -> we're gonna start here and we're gonna
282.36 -> walk straight ahead we'll assume I'm
284.25 -> holding on to you right so you have the
285.78 -> person hold out of the gate belt and
287.46 -> you're gonna come up and some a lot of
290.28 -> times with strokes you'll get a step to
292.35 -> pattern right and if you have to tend to
295.53 -> slide one foot exactly right oftentimes
298.29 -> that involves foot so this forces you to
300.54 -> get up and pay attention to each step
303.81 -> and this will start out slow and as you
307.23 -> do it more and more I really like this
308.76 -> one it gets it force is the person to do
311.67 -> that proper lift up and go sliding and
314.25 -> get through and this one again if you
318.15 -> feel comfortable and there is someone
320.34 -> holding onto your gait belt right behind
322.08 -> you you can go backwards make sure the
326.76 -> person is looking requires a lot of
328.71 -> skill right of this that's more advanced
331.05 -> really be careful do that one when
333.27 -> you're at that level this would actually
334.86 -> I know if you've worked with in your
336.45 -> Parkinson's patients maybe patients with
338.85 -> Parkinsons this is a great yeah for them
340.86 -> exactly right they often have that
344.15 -> positive movement right oh and they have
347.43 -> trouble lifting their legs yeah if they
349.08 -> should destination now you keep the
352.38 -> sticks the same for the next one and
354.72 -> instead of going straight forward you're
356.55 -> gonna go sideways and this I really like
360.06 -> this one a lot for I've done it with
361.83 -> Parkinson's as well as a stroke and it's
364.98 -> here and again someone's definitely I
366.99 -> hope you see that role this would be a
368.7 -> great one for that great great visual
371.58 -> cues and like you said the worst thing
373.08 -> that happens is you hit it yeah and it's
376.62 -> not gonna trip you right it's not gonna
378.57 -> cause you to but it lets you know you
381.33 -> didn't lift it up right exactly it gives
383.31 -> you the feedback right away so and
385.65 -> you'll find especially with a stroke one
387.87 -> direction will probably be quite a bit
389.73 -> easier than going the other direction
392.1 -> depending on which side this the CVA
395.1 -> involved right or left so you go back
397.44 -> and forth and all of these you're gonna
398.61 -> do them probably two or three
400.65 -> repetitions at first back and forth
402.69 -> depend on the level of fatigue be safe
405.42 -> with your whoever you're working with or
407.64 -> the person that's in
409.38 -> has a stroke the next one it's just
413.19 -> amazing we're gonna make was that your
418.08 -> knee crack yeah I need ever since I was
420.36 -> a kid it Carl sure I'm sure it happened
423.86 -> okay
425.1 -> so you make a cross like this and you
429.96 -> start in one corner and again with
433.74 -> someone holding onto the belt simply
435.6 -> forward to the right backwards and to
442.29 -> here and then you can go the other
444.06 -> direction and this is one of those
447.09 -> things that it's kind of it's functional
450.45 -> because oftentimes you're not walking
452.67 -> straight and right-to-left you walk and
454.92 -> you know different diagonals diagnosed
457.77 -> and everything just all mixed up and
459.57 -> it's really nice to especially in the
462 -> kitchen to get functional with this and
464.28 -> you can do the diagonal this way and
467.97 -> then back and it's different it really
471.24 -> is different when you're working or
473.13 -> something you can see all nice and
474.42 -> functional this it's forcing you into
476.01 -> patterns that you normally don't think
477.45 -> about but you do come across in life
479.67 -> right right you're in your garage and
482.76 -> you're trying to get around the junk and
484.5 -> you're just right because yeah if you
487.11 -> get out of the car and you got to make
488.46 -> your way on the door and some things
490.35 -> have been dropped on the floor perhaps
493.43 -> now the next one you make a square just
499.38 -> like this can I call it a box a box yeah
503.58 -> I think out of the box okay all right
505.38 -> now you'll go in the middle with the box
509.24 -> well I'm going to sometimes it's nicer
512.16 -> to use something taller than the cane
514.169 -> sure you not feel like you're reaching
515.969 -> over it can keep you up taller okay and
520.95 -> this is five foot us or our Booya stick
522.99 -> and anything that is silent it can't
525.63 -> slip on the ground it has to grip into
527.7 -> the ground I do like about that just the
529.44 -> point you just made you can work on
531.24 -> posture yeah it's gonna hold you up yeah
534.33 -> word into this okay now this one is
536.73 -> strictly a balance exercise we're gonna
539.22 -> start here we're just gonna touch the
541.38 -> toe in front
542.69 -> touch the toe to the right and touch the
546.93 -> toe to the left now the one going to
549.51 -> cross is by far the most difficult form
553.05 -> or not be able to do that right if you
554.67 -> only could get to here you go as far as
556.68 -> your body allows and keeping safe again
559.2 -> someone will be holding on to your belt
561.09 -> and they're going to it or not oh yes
564.66 -> actually yeah I forgot a need to go back
566.43 -> now the person initially you're gonna
569.46 -> have a watch and if they can start doing
571.95 -> this fairly easily when they're visually
574.05 -> watched where their foot is then you
575.88 -> pick a point out in front of them say
577.35 -> look at that point on the wall and do
579.06 -> the same thing and then you're working
581.37 -> their proprioception that that means
583.38 -> they can tell where their foot is in
585.18 -> space without a visual feedback which is
588.6 -> really important for balance as well as
590.73 -> gait and keep it upright this is one
593.64 -> that again you could even do with an
595.64 -> athlete
596.91 -> yeah and take away the pole hold up like
601.29 -> this have them working on if you're
603.12 -> working on an e that's rehabbing and
604.83 -> then they may reach way out to the side
607.17 -> like that but make the square larger yep
609.06 -> so with a stroke that's right so a lot
612.81 -> of different uses of this right I really