Coronary artery disease: optimizing patient care

Coronary artery disease: optimizing patient care

Coronary artery disease: optimizing patient care

In about 60% of diagnostic coronary angiographies no relevant coronary lesions are found. The CCB Frankfurt uses computed tomography angiography (in short CCTA) as a non-invasive alternative to examine patients showing symptoms of chronic coronary disease. With this they can avoid unnecessary invasive procedures in many patients. Watch to hear about their experiences.

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6.82 -> Coronary artery disease in treating sudden
9.136 -> cardiac death is a very important issue.
12.13 -> We have around 125,000 patients per year.
18.31 -> We have mainly two lines.
20.61 -> One is the emergency line, and the
22.68 -> second line is a normal patient
25.148 -> coming into the outpatient clinic.
27.67 -> We have three sites right now with
31.534 -> a total of five cath labs where we
35.926 -> do all the vascular interventions.
38.17 -> So basically, it's the complete spectrum
41.284 -> of cardiology that we can offer.
44.3 -> That may be the special thing about CCB.
46.34 -> It's a large institution,
48.34 -> but we still always try to do a personal
52.354 -> and individual care for the patients.
59.59 -> So we have, within the first
61.711 -> contact with the patients all the
63.906 -> laboratory findings, which is important
65.936 -> in terms of troponin and NT-proBNP.
68.69 -> Sometimes we have to do
70.54 -> additional investigations.
73.54 -> Our philosophy is to do a CT.
77.53 -> With that I have facts and I can show the
80.788 -> images, and either I know that he's fine,
84.09 -> just needs to take some
86.16 -> medication perhaps, or else
87.89 -> we know we need to make an
90.072 -> appointment for him to treat
92.11 -> a blockage of the arteries.
96.15 -> The insurance companies must realize
97.54 -> that they have to to move a bit
99.59 -> in this way. The big wish is to have
102.965 -> all information you can get before
106.086 -> you go to invasive procedures.
112.7 -> We have a huge adventure
114.7 -> with the new systems, further
117.2 -> increase of spatial resolution and
119.456 -> temporal resolution in order to
122.276 -> have clear-cut vessel walls
124.84 -> even in a structure which beats very fast.
128.49 -> And that's the reason why temporal
130.824 -> resolution must be such increased
132.91 -> as it is with some new systems.
135.19 -> And this allow us on clear-cut
137.47 -> diagnostic only with CT,
139.654 -> without invasive procedures.
144.3 -> So we are now - with our CT - in an area
147.532 -> where we have much less radiation dose
150.35 -> compared with invasive
152.866 -> catheterization, about a tenth of the dose.
156.64 -> I do think that digitization
159.035 -> will play a role in that we
162.33 -> look more and more on precise facts.
167.17 -> With CT, you have shortened
169.985 -> diagnostic lengths of approach,
172.237 -> and this shortens time,
174.59 -> this shortens costs,
175.394 -> and for the patient, it is a
176.734 -> much more better solution.
