How to Treat Heart Failure and Kidney Failure with Diet

How to Treat Heart Failure and Kidney Failure with Diet

How to Treat Heart Failure and Kidney Failure with Diet

One way a diet rich in animal sourced foods—meat, eggs, and cheese—may contribute to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and death is through the production of toxin named TMAO.

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More on this revolutionary TMAO story can be found here:
• Carnitine, Choline, Cancer, and Cholesterol: The TMAO Connection (…)
• Egg Industry Response to Choline and TMAO (…)
• How to Develop a Health Gut Ecosystem (…)
• How Our Gut Bacteria Can Use Eggs to Accelerate Cancer (…)

For more on kidney failure, see Preventing Kidney Failure Through Diet (…) and Treating Kidney Failure Through Diet (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

Image credit: Monsterkoi / Pixabay
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3.12 -> [Music]
5.06 -> one way a diet rich in animal sourced
8.4 -> foods meat eggs and cheese may
10.95 -> contribute to heart disease stroke and
13.32 -> death is through the production of an
16.23 -> anthro sclerosis inducing substance
18.869 -> called TMAO and with the help of certain
21.929 -> gut bacteria the choline and carnitine
24.779 -> found concentrated in animal products
26.97 -> can get converted into TMAO but wait a
31.65 -> second I thought atherosclerosis
33.36 -> hardening of the arteries was about the
36.3 -> build up of cholesterol cholesterol is
40.05 -> still king TMAO just appears to
43.82 -> accelerate the process
47.489 -> TMAO appears to increase the ability of
50.399 -> inflammatory cells within the a thorough
52.29 -> scrub in the artery wall to bind to LDL
55.86 -> cholesterol which makes him more prone
57.989 -> to gobble up that cholesterol so it's
59.91 -> just a another piece of the puzzle of
62.699 -> how cholesterol causes heart disease
66.89 -> and TMAO doesn't just appear to worsen
69.77 -> atherosclerosis contributing to strokes
72.92 -> and heart attacks but also heart failure
75.59 -> and kidney failure if you look at a
78.74 -> really high risk group like diabetics
81.44 -> after a heart attack
82.34 -> nearly all those who started out with
84.229 -> the most TMAO in their blood stream went
87.02 -> on to develop heart failure within 2,000
89.99 -> days about five years whereas only about
92.96 -> 20% of those starting out with medium
95.24 -> levels in the blood went into heart
96.979 -> failure and none in the low TMAO group
102.369 -> not only do those with heart failure
104.57 -> have higher levels of TMAO than controls
107.96 -> and those with worse heart failure have
110.75 -> higher levels than those with lesser
112.85 -> stage disease if you follow people with
117.17 -> heart failure over time within six years
120.02 -> half of those who started out with the
121.7 -> highest levels were dead this finding
125.3 -> has since been replicated in two other
129.14 -> independent populations of heart failure
131.42 -> patients the question is why it's
134.959 -> probably unlikely to just be additional
137.03 -> atherosclerosis since that takes years
139.94 -> for most of those that died of heart
143.209 -> failure the heart muscle just conks out
145.61 -> or there's a fatal heart rhythm so maybe
148.66 -> TMAO has toxic effects beyond just the
152.51 -> accelerated buildup of cholesterol
156.14 -> what about kidney failure people with
159.68 -> chronic kidney disease are at
161.36 -> particularly increased risk for the
163.13 -> development of cardiovascular disease
165.8 -> thought to be because of a diverse array
168.74 -> of uremic toxins these are toxins that
172.19 -> would normally be filtered out by the
174.47 -> kidneys into the urine but may build up
177.14 -> in the bloodstream as our kidney
178.76 -> function declines when we think of
182.17 -> uremic toxins we usually think of the
186.23 -> toxic byproducts of protein putrifying
189.77 -> in our gut which is why specially
194.239 -> formulated plant-based diets have been
195.89 -> used for decades to treat chronic kidney
198.26 -> failure those who eat vegetarian form
202.82 -> less than half of these uremic toxins in
205.94 -> the first place but those aren't the
209.72 -> only uremic toxins TMAO from the
213.65 -> breakdown of choline and carnitine and
215.66 -> mostly meat and eggs may be increasing
218.45 -> heart disease risk in kidney patients as
220.579 -> well by apparently down-regulating
223.1 -> reverse cholesterol transport meaning
225.489 -> subverting our own body's attempt at
228.079 -> pulling cholesterol out of our arteries
230.18 -> and indeed the worse our kidney function
233.51 -> gets the higher our TMAO levels rise and
236.299 -> those elevated levels correlate with the
239 -> amount of plaque they have clogging up
240.799 -> the arteries in their heart but get a
243.86 -> kidney transplant get a working kidney
246.14 -> going and you can drop your TMAO levels
248.93 -> right back down so TMAO was thought to
251.81 -> be kind of a biomarker for declining
254.18 -> kidney function but then this study was
257.989 -> published from the Framingham Heart
259.88 -> Study which found that elevated choline
262.43 -> and TMAO levels among individuals with
264.8 -> normal kidney function predicted
267.41 -> increased risk for developing chronic
270.229 -> kidney disease suggesting TMAO is both a
273.979 -> biomarker and itself a kidney toxin
278.229 -> indeed when you follow kidney patients
280.85 -> over time and assess their freedom from
283.34 -> death those with higher TMAO
285.979 -> even controlling for kidney function
288.08 -> live significantly shorter
289.82 -> lies indicating this died induced
293.18 -> mechanism for progressive kidney
295.49 -> scarring and dysfunction strongly
299.33 -> implying the need to focus preventative
301.46 -> efforts on like dietary modification
303.98 -> what might that look like
305.87 -> well maybe we should reduce dietary
308.9 -> sources of TMAO generation such as some
312.14 -> species of deep-sea fish eggs and meat
316.87 -> but it also depends on what kind of gut
319.67 -> bacteria you have remember you can feed
322.04 -> a vegan a steak and they still don't
324.98 -> really make any TMAO because they
327.02 -> haven't been fostering the carnitine
329.24 -> eating bacteria in their gut researchers
333.05 -> are hoping however that one day they'll
334.94 -> find a way to replicate the effects of a
336.98 -> vegetarian diet by selectively prebiotic
339.59 -> probiotic or antibiotic therapies
348.25 -> [Music]
