Youth Hypertension
Youth Hypertension
High blood pressure is usually thought of as more of a problem for adults, but teens and kids also can have it. As Dr. Don Shifrin reports, if left untreated, it can lead to some pretty significant health risks as they get older.
0 -> high blood pressure usually thought of
1.56 -> something that you know adults have to
3.899 -> deal with but maybe not so much for kids
5.94 -> however if you don't identify in kids
8.28 -> early enough could really cause some
9.54 -> serious problems dr. Don Shiffrin is
11.4 -> here dr. Don as we call him longtime
13.019 -> pediatrician on the east side clinical
14.7 -> professor at u-dub we appreciate you
16.17 -> joining us so first of all what is
18.109 -> hypertension well hypertension is really
20.67 -> elevated blood pressure and the saying
23.13 -> goes that you know children are not
25.05 -> small adults when it comes to treating
26.699 -> disease but children's chronic diseases
29.369 -> like obesity diabetes carry four and
31.89 -> tobacco carry forward into adult
33.87 -> diseases so finding and treating if you
37.29 -> need to high blood pressure and children
39.42 -> is a priority the American Academy of
41.19 -> Pediatrics just issued their first
43.43 -> 50-page 15,000 research study guidelines
48.239 -> for clinical practitioners last fall
50.37 -> which really is a road map for every
53.19 -> pediatric practitioner every pediatric
55.829 -> clinician and every family practice
58.109 -> doctor to identify who to test how to
61.71 -> test when to test and maybe what to do
64.439 -> and when to refer when you discover kids
69.119 -> with elevated blood pressure so which
70.59 -> kids are most at risk for this well
73.11 -> almost every kid is at risk the
74.76 -> prevalence rate for normal children and
77.549 -> the American Academy of pediatric
79.38 -> guidelines has a wonderful new table
81.96 -> that talks about what is elevated blood
84.33 -> pressure in normal children using 50,000
87.119 -> children as a base but again every child
90.06 -> is at risk because the prevalence rate
92.61 -> is maybe 1 out of 17 18 children and
96.979 -> with adults remember that a 1/3 of
99.72 -> adults have hypertension and so when you
102.42 -> find an elevated blood pressure in a
103.92 -> child there is something that you should
105.299 -> do and every every practice should have
108.45 -> this simplified screening table that's
110.43 -> been included in the guidelines that
112.56 -> talks about well here's an elevated
115.079 -> blood pressure the the the real specific
117.149 -> tables are based on age gender and
118.979 -> height categories and also their very
121.11 -> specific obesity what are some of the
122.79 -> other general factors for people who
124.979 -> have kids who might fit into these
126.54 -> categories what might be some things
127.829 -> you've really got to get yourself to a
128.97 -> pediatrician
129.69 -> well again prematurity we know
132.18 -> prematurity is a risk we know
133.74 -> obesity is a risk we know diabetes is a
135.69 -> risk we know that chronic kidney disease
137.4 -> is a risk and also chronic heart disease
139.8 -> and really there's a lot of things that
142.32 -> we know that contribute to hypertension
145.08 -> but most people with hypertension are
147.72 -> unaware of it it becomes undetected
151.05 -> unrecognized and then untreated yeah
153.33 -> because there are signs really that your
155.25 -> kid has high blood pressure right so
156.75 -> what what happens if you find out that
158.46 -> your kid does have hypertension what do
160.77 -> you do well if indeed you discover that
163.68 -> during a visit your child has an
165.57 -> elevated blood pressure remember one
167.82 -> reading does not make a diagnosis I
170.4 -> think that's the key thing so looking at
172.98 -> this roadmap that the Academy has done
175.38 -> they're saying that if indeed it's
177.09 -> elevated most of the time it's either
179.28 -> anxiety they've just finished physical
181.71 -> activity if they're a teenager and just
183.42 -> had a mountain Dew with a huge amount of
185.07 -> caffeine so there are a lot of reasons
186.99 -> that that blood pressure may be elevated
190.02 -> and again that becomes part of the
192.57 -> roadmap what do you do then
194.22 -> do you have them come back and yes
196.71 -> that's a good thing to do you have them
198.36 -> come back and do another reading and
199.92 -> there are also some things that you can
201.93 -> do we call an ambulatory blood pressure
204.45 -> monitoring if it's really elevated on
206.73 -> several visits you may want to set up a
209.25 -> referral to send them to somebody that
211.8 -> can do some blood pressure monitoring at
213.36 -> home with special monitors we've only
215.76 -> got about 60 seconds but you brought
217.11 -> some good ones with you what do you have
218.25 -> with it well this is this is a regular
220.89 -> blood pressure cuff now most officers
222.69 -> will do automatic or machine
225.84 -> blood pressures which are not the same
227.64 -> so if indeed a machine detects an
229.89 -> elevated blood pressure we want the the
233.03 -> clinicians to do this as well Oscar
236.07 -> Latorre or regular blood pressure cuffs
238.23 -> to confirm that and then continue doing
240.96 -> that as well on repeat visits and lastly
243.66 -> if your pediatrician is not doing this
246.03 -> on at the Wellness check do you
247.89 -> recommend asking for it well when to do
250.38 -> it
250.56 -> we the Academy recommendations are every
253.86 -> preventive visit after age three or
255.78 -> under age three if there's risk factors
257.67 -> and every visit if there are risk
260.01 -> factors such as diabetes or
261.57 -> cardiovascular disease or chronic kidney
263.13 -> disease all right gradients a doctor
264.96 -> dawn thanks as always for joining us on
266.34 -> King
266.82 -> always a pleasure thanks dr. Don we'll
268.62 -> see you next week and we'll be right
269.88 -> back with a look at weather and traffic
271.26 -> after this break here's a peek outside
273.33 -> of the meantime actually not a bad
274.86 -> looking day this morning we're gonna
276.84 -> take a look outside not well just look
278.25 -> at dr. Don look
280.61 -> hopefully I'm sunny enough and you are
282.84 -> sunny normally so see you next week
284.88 -> we'll be right back after this
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qx0-YqhB08