Menstruation Routines that Work for Pain Relief | Women's Health | Healthy Home Remedies Tips

Menstruation Routines that Work for Pain Relief | Women's Health | Healthy Home Remedies Tips

Menstruation Routines that Work for Pain Relief | Women's Health | Healthy Home Remedies Tips

Dos and don’ts of menstrual health. Menstruation can be a difficult time for most women due to the pain and discomfort caused. Watch the video to learn an effective day routine to be followed to reduce the pain and stay active during this time. Please share the video with friends and family you believe might benefit from it. We aim to promote wellbeing and make this world a better place to live in. Thank you!

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#DrHansaji #TheYogaInstitute #TheYogaInstitute_DiseaseDisorders #Thingstodowhilemenstruation #Routinesduringmenstruation #Menstruation #MenstruationRoutine #period #WomenPeriods #naturalcycle #progesteronehormones #hormones #menstrualhealth #WomensHealth #Practiceyoga #Eathealthy #hotwaterbag #unduestrain #TurmericMilk #Guidedmeditations #Health #Women #Yoga #drhansajiYogendra #girlinpain #healthydayroutine #dayroutine #periodsroutine #womensproblem #curewithyoga #womenshealthmatters #womenshealthtips

0:00 Introduction
0:33 Progesterone Estrogen
1:23 Drink for Breakfast
1:49 Vitamin C Vitamin E
2:25 Practice Yoga Techniques
3:00 clavicular Breathing
3:44 Eat Healthy
4:44 Premenstrual Syndrome P.M.S
4:59 Apply a Hot Water Bag
5:25 Don’t Put Undue Strain
6:35 Listen to Guided Meditations


1.04 -> namaskar
2.879 -> menstruation
4.56 -> is a bleeding cycle every woman goes
6.879 -> through every month
9.22 -> [Music]
11.44 -> when a woman has a menstruation monthly
14 -> period that shows that woman is healthy
17.119 -> and women's reproductive systems are
19.199 -> functioning very well every month
21.52 -> woman's uterus prepares for pregnancy
25.039 -> and thickens the wall
26.96 -> this happens because of the increasing
29.679 -> level
30.56 -> of hormones called as progesterone and
33.92 -> estrogen these are the hormones which
37.36 -> makes all these things happen
39.44 -> if no pregnancy occurs the uterus sheds
42.64 -> its lining the menstrual blood contains
45.76 -> both blood and the tissues which are
48.96 -> inside the uterus and that leaves the
52 -> body through vagina during periods even
55.199 -> though it is completely the natural
58 -> cycle taking care of menstrual health is
61.28 -> important this will ensure the health
64.239 -> and safety of the body some women have
67.76 -> severe cramps during periods backaches
71.52 -> and body pain
73.119 -> today
74.32 -> i'll share a very effective routine
77.84 -> of do's and don'ts which a woman should
80.4 -> follow during menstruation first a drink
83.84 -> for breakfast this bar packed drink
87.119 -> would give you a strong immunity at this
89.92 -> time it contains beetroot carrot and
93.04 -> pumpkin all these three things are
95.6 -> excellent for health beetroot helps to
99.119 -> raise the low hemoglobin level during
102.32 -> menstruation carrot helps in the
104.799 -> absorption of the iron pumpkin is high
108.079 -> in vitamin c vitamin e iron and folate
112.24 -> all of which helps to improve your
114.399 -> immune system so let's understand how to
116.799 -> make it you will need to boil all this
119.52 -> vegetable and then put them in a blender
122.799 -> and add little water mix it well strain
126.159 -> the juice in the glass squeeze
128.56 -> half a lemon in it and then enjoy this
131.52 -> drink remember
133.36 -> and drink sufficient amount of water to
135.92 -> hydrate yourself because
138.319 -> water can help in preventing bloating
141.52 -> and indigestion especially during
143.68 -> menstruation
145.2 -> second practice yoga techniques
148.239 -> yoga can be therapeutic during menstrual
151.28 -> cycle lack of oxygen in the uterine
154.319 -> muscles can cause cramps
156.959 -> so
157.76 -> what is required is more oxygenation in
160.4 -> our body so here are pranayamas deep
163.12 -> breathing during pranayama slow long
166.16 -> inhalation
167.44 -> and long exhalation done very often in a
170.72 -> day would really work wonders to see
174.16 -> that the cramps are not felt you can
177.28 -> also practice equal breathing clavicular
180.239 -> breathing intercostal breathing
182.84 -> diaphragmatic breathing and brahmary
186.159 -> pranayama
187.76 -> during these days relaxation techniques
190.64 -> should be done regularly relaxation in
193.68 -> shavasana
195.12 -> and in nishpanta bhava works wonders
198.4 -> it helps relieving the discomfort when
201.599 -> the periods are going on because the
204.239 -> aligning of the uterus is being shed
207.599 -> and so try and do it regularly also
211.599 -> taking a walk in nature helps releasing
214.959 -> the endorphin which are pain releasing
217.84 -> hormones which would help managing the
221.04 -> cramps during period very well
223.92 -> third
225.12 -> eat healthy throughout the day make sure
228.319 -> that you eat a healthy breakfast healthy
230.879 -> lunch healthy snacks and very healthy
233.439 -> dinner it is best to include varieties
236.64 -> of green leafy vegetables such as
239.439 -> spinach methi in your diet these
242.4 -> vegetables will help to maintain your
244.56 -> hemoglobin and iron level have healthy
247.76 -> nuts and seeds nuts like almond walnuts
252 -> and seeds like pumpkin and flax seeds at
255.04 -> stack time this will help you to
257.519 -> maintain strength and keep you satiated
260.959 -> thus you will avoid eating junk food at
263.68 -> this time a poor diet can lead to
267.28 -> headaches bloating muscle cramps and so
270.56 -> on consuming salty food will cause water
274.08 -> retention salty food you get from all
277.28 -> these packeted things also ready-made
279.759 -> packets open and eat and that causes
282.479 -> more problem pre-menstrual syndrome pms
286.56 -> is caused by more water retention in
289.44 -> your body also avoid the consumption of
292.56 -> food which are high in sugar consume
295.28 -> food which are rich in fiber and protein
298.4 -> fourth
299.68 -> apply a hot water bag
302.639 -> anytime during the day place a hot water
305.84 -> bag on your abdomen and feel comfortable
308.96 -> it will immediately reduce the pain as
311.68 -> the blood circulation will improve in
314 -> this area also have once in a day a warm
318.16 -> water bath and that would help relieving
321.6 -> aching muscles and discomfort
324.72 -> fifth
326 -> do not put undue strain on yourself
329.039 -> whatever you are used to every day
331.44 -> working you should work but don't add
334.24 -> additional work during this time
336.4 -> specially lifting heavy objects and
340.08 -> some heavy exercises all your activities
343.68 -> should be light and comfortable women
346.479 -> should rest and relax during the day
349.44 -> relaxation decreases mood swings and
352.96 -> improves general health so
355.36 -> for 30 minutes at least lie down in
358.08 -> savasana do some less fundamental listen
361.44 -> to some music nicely and see that you
364.56 -> are at ease with yourself and that would
367.28 -> really help
368.639 -> sixth
369.759 -> drink turmeric milk having milk at night
374.16 -> with turmeric and little black pepper
376.72 -> would help your body to recover fast and
379.52 -> it would release discomfort at night
382.479 -> during sleep turmeric has
384.68 -> anti-inflammatory property and that
387.039 -> would really help in reducing that
389.52 -> inflammation in your body tightness in
392 -> your body cramps in your body seventh
396.08 -> listen to guided meditation this guided
399.6 -> meditation really helps in keeping your
402.96 -> mind peaceful positive free from pain
406.4 -> free from mood swings as well as your
408.88 -> body free from cramps and uneasy feeling
412.639 -> during menstruation also practice
415.919 -> abdominal breathing it helps relaxing
418.479 -> your nervous system you will be able to
421.199 -> really sleep very well it would be a
423.599 -> sound sleep and you will wake up
425.919 -> refreshed next day in the morning
428.56 -> so
429.599 -> here is the best routine which you
431.919 -> should follow during menstruation
434.56 -> throughout the day try and see that you
437.599 -> help yourself there is no helpless and
440.24 -> hopeless situation in life don't think
442.72 -> that women are structured to suffer
445.039 -> every month there should not be any
447.12 -> suffering no pain no cramps if you
450.319 -> follow these things regularly all those
453.199 -> discomforts crams suffering and all
456.24 -> other things would be reduced and would
458.96 -> be gone
460.08 -> so look after yourself during these days
462.96 -> don't do mistakes by adding more new new
466.08 -> works in your life try and live balanced
469.52 -> and happy life and you will be free from
472.639 -> cramps pain and suffering during periods
476.319 -> periods should be as normal as any other
480.479 -> day and so take charge of yourself and
483.599 -> be free
484.8 -> from all problems
487.199 -> namaste
