Healthy Sense of Self

Healthy Sense of Self

Healthy Sense of Self

In this month’s teaching, Mingyur Rinpoche teaches how we can get in touch with a healthy sense of self and how we can free ourselves from the unhealthy sense of self that is so common in today’s world. To do this, we look closely at the sense of “I” and use this to see our innate qualities.

What do you experience when you look closely at the sense of “I”? Can you think of a situation when you have been able to let go of unhealthy beliefs about yourself? How did that affect how you perceived yourself?

Subtitle captions in Arabic, Dutch, Chinese, Czech, Bulgarian, German, English, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

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0.68 ->
5.12 -> What we call,
7.253 -> “Healthy sense of self” and “Unhealthy sense of self”
11.72 -> are the two senses of self.
14.826 -> The unhealthy sense of self
18.24 -> is based on what we call, “suffering,”
22.64 -> meaning there is a lot of problems,
26.253 -> like monkey mind. "bala bala bala, yada yada yada"
29.72 -> In our lives, there are a lot of emotional problems,
34.853 -> and these problems come from thoughts, feelings,
40.093 -> and sensations, we are trapped with that,
42.013 -> and it becomes a vicious circle.
43.786 -> How can we free
46.48 -> that unhealthy sense of self — this problem?
49.333 -> Let us say, right now,
51.133 -> you are watching this video, right?
53.92 -> so there is a sense of “me” watching this video.
60 -> Can you feel that?
61.386 -> Now, you can try to ask a question:
65.08 -> “What is this sense of me?”
68.493 -> First, what you might find is one single thing
73.68 -> that is very solid, consistent, and permanent —
81.52 -> it looks like one, big iron ball.
90.6 -> When you feel that,
95.4 -> at the same time,
97.426 -> with this iron ball,
101.546 -> when you look inside of it,
104.08 -> there are so many pieces:
106.32 -> the mind, the body, your social status,
111.24 -> past memories, and so many things.
114.266 -> Even in the mind, there are thoughts,
117.533 -> emotions, feelings, and so many things.
120.226 -> But normally, what we think is that all of it
123.76 -> is associated with that single me.
127.053 -> When you have an emotion,
129.2 -> you think you are one with the emotion,
132.64 -> ”I am bad” or “I am suffering.”
137.733 -> When I was young, when the panic came,
140.706 -> me and my panic became one.
144.28 -> But actually,
146.106 -> all of these are just layers, right?
149.893 -> like different pieces.
153.386 -> When you really mindfully look at them,
157.96 -> you cannot find their essence.
161.12 -> That practice really benefited me.
164.666 -> Then, what I saw was that “me” is not the panic.
174.186 -> What is “me?”
177.386 -> You cannot really find the essence,
179.72 -> yet there is awareness,
183.173 -> there is love, there is compassion.
186.44 -> Everything is present.
189.546 -> From that awareness,
191.586 -> thoughts come, ideas come, emotions come,
194.573 -> everything comes and goes.
196.666 -> That is what we call, “healthy sense of self.”
